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It's been a little over 2 months since Erin has been discharged from the hospital and today was her first day back to work in Intelligence. She's feeling much better but still not so great since she would get exhausted and out-of-breath really quickly. Even walking up the stairs to the bullpen this morning took quite an effort.

She rested her feet on her table, annoyed that Voight had put her on desk duty. Arguing with Voight when he have made up his mind was absolutely pointless and she doesn't understand why she even wasted her time in doing so. He's stubborn as hell.
'Just like me.' she thought.

Voight told her about the stunt Jay had pulled and can't believe he would act in that way. It really wasn't like him. Voight still hadn't took him off administrative leave and she made a note to talk to him about it later and try to get him back to work. She's angry, but more so hurt, that he hadn't visited her at the hospital. Not even once. Although, they weren't in good terms even before the accident, he should've at the very least stopped by.

Jay's words has still been playing at the back of her head. The secret has been eating her alive ever since he had put that thought in her head. She hadn't got a clue whether she should tell Kim about Jay and her. It's the right thing to do but at the same time, too risky. She doesn't want to lose the good they've got going in their relationship. If what Jay had said was true, that Kim would leave her, then her whole world would fall apart. And right now, Kim is the only person who can keep her together.

Today was a particularly uneventful day. No new cases came through for the Unit, just paperwork. Huge amounts of paperwork. Anyway, it wouldn't have made any difference for Erin.
Everyone were sitting by their desks, not doing as they were instructed by Voight. She looked to the corner and saw her beautiful girlfriend munching on a doughnut while finishing off her paperwork. Kim has always been a Goody Two-shoes, always following the rules.
'She deserves the truth.' she thought.

Olinsky had his head slumped forward as he was taking a nap. Antonio was most like playing games on his phone while Adam and Kevin were spinning and sliding each other across the room with their chairs. At times, these grown men really do not act right for their age. If only people knew what goes around behind closed doors at Intelligence, no one would've believed these 2 are cops.

"I can see the temptation." Adam coaxed her as he caught her staring. To be honest, it really was tempting. It might sound crazy but she wanted to spin around until she felt like throwing up. She wanted to have fun.

Ever since the accident, she felt like a slob. The fact that she's currently living with Voight may have been the sole contribution. He didn't want her to be alone in her own apartment so he had forced her to stay with him even when she had said Kim would stay with her. But as usual, he refused. He wanted to be the one to look out for her. Just like old times. She knows that he's probably lonely since Justin moved out and wanted company. Like how it was back in the day so she didn't fight him on it. She too wanted to spend time with her father.
But the one thing that truly irritated her was that he wouldn't let her do anything, even the housework. Not that she was any useful at it, she just wanted to do something, to be productive.
For the first week, she wasn't even allowed to go out, only to appointments and must be accompanied by Voight, as he was afraid that she might hurt herself. And when he wasn't around, an officer was be posted outside, making sure she doesn't leave.
'He's crazy!' She appreciated him being overprotective of her but it really got under her skin. She felt like a teenager all over again. Although Kim had stopped by now and then, they weren't able to do anything since Voight just happens to be home whenever she's around.

"Sounds fun." she replied sarcastically, declining Adam's tempting offer.
"Suit yourself." he said while Kevin pushed the chair across the room with all his strength. His squeal had made her laugh. As expected, it resulted in a loud bang as Adam crashed onto a desk, startling everyone in the bullpen and he groaned in pain.
"Sometimes I wonder how old these guys really are." Olinsky shook his head in disappointment and looked very much annoyed for being woken up.

Erin laughed and looked across the room to see Voight still in his office. Even with the commotion outside, he still hadn't scolded them for goofing around. Usually by now, he would've given them a long lecture about discipline and maturity.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Kim reading a case file. She've been quiet the whole day and they haven't said a word to each other since this morning. They've agreed to keep their relationship a secret for the time being until they were ready to come out to everyone. When and how is still a mystery to them.

She missed Kim very much as she haven't been able to give her a proper kiss for months now. Just a quick peck on the lips when they can. She missed holding her and the spark she felt with every touch.
Erin watched as Kim flip through pages, her eyes intensely roaming through the papers.
As she spent the last several minutes staring at her, she contemplated on one idea that had crossed her mind. It was something she've never done before. Let alone in the premises of a bullpen. However, she was unsure of how Kim would react. Looking across the room one last time, she saw that the boys were still fooling around but now throwing popcorn at one another. She rolled her eyes and made her way towards her.
'Here goes nothing.' she doesn't know what had gotten into her. It must be the medication because she've never felt this stimulated before.

She sat down on Jay's seat that was next to Kim's, she jumped, having not been aware of her presence.
" scared me." she stated as she picked up the file that had dropped on the desk.
"I miss you." Erin whispered in her ear while her hand caressed her thighs.
Kim gasped, her eyes widen and Erin can practically hearing her heart raising in her chest.
"Uh, Erin. What are you doing? We can't." she whispered back, raising her eyebrows. She clutched her wrist to stop her from going any further and looked at Erin, signaling that right now was not the time and place for such foreplay.
"'ll be fine." Erin reassured her. Her tone was adamant and eyes filled with lust.
"Voight's right there." she whispered a bit louder than desired.
"Trust me..." Erin smirked.
Trusting Erin, Kim let go of her, allowing Erin to continue what she've started. Although the bullpen was not the place she had in mind for such act, she too wanted her and felt like years since they've any fun together.

Erin slowly moved her hands up her thighs, taking her time in stroking her. Kim tried her best to stay still as possible as her breathing quickened. She clenched her thighs together, careful not to bring themselves any unwanted attention.
Underneath her palm, Erin can feel the heat of her skin and her muscles tighten as she rubbed in between her thighs.
'Oh god!' Kim screamed in her head, her heart pounding in her chest. All she wanted to do was to rip her navy blue shirt right then and there. To her, it was just her and Erin in the room.

Erin smiled as Kim turned bright red. She knew she was doing something right.
Feeling like she craved her even more now, Kim spread her legs wider, giving her full access.
Knowing that they are in a room filled with cops just fueled their desire.
Kim let out a soft moan as Erin caressed her over the centre of her jeans. Luckily the cheering from the boys had masked the noises she was making which only further motivated Erin to continue.

"Let's continue this elsewhere..." Kim quickly stood up. Before Erin could comprehend what she was saying, Kim was already down the stairs, heading for the bathroom.
As they reached their destination, they kissed hard and immediately burst into the nearest stall. They were gratefully that there weren't any cops around or else they would have some serious explaining to do.

"What has gotten into you..." Erin breathed heavily. Her hands squeezing her hips. Not so long ago, Kim had been so passive about all this but now she just as eager.
"I could ask you the same thing..." Kim smirked and pinned her against the wall, kissing her neck.
"It's been so long." Erin moaned as Kim started grinding against her body.
Kim chuckled, "Too long." she then unbuckled her belt and jeans and slipped her hand in her panties.
Erin melts against her hand. "I've never done it in a toilet." her statement was followed by a loud groan as Kim pushed a finger in.
"Me neither." she said in between kisses.
Erin was gasping for air and clawing at the nearby walls. "You seem to know what you're doing."
All of a sudden Kim stopped. Erin was taken back and very much disappointed.
"Baby, please stop talking." Kim looked her right in the eyes and whined.

Kim roamed her hand down her stomach and slid beneath her jeans again. "You ready for this?" Kim asked, teasing her.
"Yessss." she moaned, closed her eyes and arched her back. Ready to be devoured.

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