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A little over a month had past since their breakup. Jay haven't had a conversation with Erin in weeks even though she had tried talking to him. He'd just ignore her, pretending like no one's there. He would speak to her when needed and only about cases. He's still very much mad at her. He has all the reason to be, she cheated on him.
Although their personal relationship at the moment has been dysfunctional, he still tries to keep their relationship at work professional. Everyone in Intelligence had noticed their distance, from being a little too close to not being able to stand in the same room together. It doesn't take a genius to know something's definitely up.

Ever since he had returned to work from his 'sick leave', Voight had somehow partnered him with Adam. It's like he had read his mind. He was absolutely thrilled that he wouldn't have to deal with Erin and actually he had no idea how he was going to do just that if Voight hadn't had given him a new partner. He might just have another meltdown.

Right now sitting by his desk, Jay can't help but catch a glimpse of Erin. Just like old times. She was pouting her lips which indicated that she was concentrating in what she was doing, it was probably paperwork. Her beautiful emerald eyes fixiated on the papers. A few strand of hair had fallen across her face and he thought she looks breathtaking. All he wanted to do was to tuck them behind her ears and tell her how beautiful she is. But he refrain from doing just that. As he watched her, he felt a knife went through his chest as a goofy smile spreads across her face as she looked at her phone.

"Halstead." Voight shouted, snapping him from his view.
"My office." With that he went straight to his office leaving Jay to wonder what had he done this time.
Jay knocked on Voight's door and he motioned for him to have a seat.
He sat down, still wondering what he had done.
"Am I in some sort of trouble?" He asked confused.
Voight chuckled, "Why does everybody ask that? I don't get it. You're not in any trouble, Jay."
'Wow! Voight must be in a good mood today. That's something new." Jay thought.

He sighed and said, "So what's up?"
"I was wondering if you wanna be partnered back with Lindsay."

When Jay came back after his leave, Voight paired him up with Ruzek since he knew it would only cause more tension between him and Erin if they stayed partners.
He tried for weeks to keep them apart. With emotions and feelings still raw back then. He practically can feel anger and resentment radiating off of Jay whenever they're in the same room.

Many times, he had fight the urge to knock some sense into him for not listening to the advice he had given him on the first day. He was very clear about it. He knew they wouldn't last and this would have happened. Instead, they had been sneaking around like teenagers behind his back. Which wasn't a surprise since everyone saw it coming.

Two of his best detectives are now at war. None of them are mature enough to work it out themselves and put the past behind them. Even though he hates the idea of them sleeping together, he, just as much, hates that they can't stand each other.
'You didn't listen to me and now look what you've done!' He so badly wanted to scream those exact words at Jay.

The reason to why they had broken up is still a mystery to Voight and it probably will be. Knowing how stubborn Erin is, she wouldn't budge. He'd have to pry the answer out of her.

"No, Sir. I'm cool with Adam." Jay answered with a stern expression. Jay was confused to why he had asked that. He had always wanted to tear them apart. Being paired up with Adam is not best thing that could happen to a person. Jay loves Adam, he's like a brother to him. He's the wilder and much funnier version of him. However, Adam has a problem as he just can't stop talking. He babbles on and on and on about everything, everything that doesn't matter. He talks a little too much especially in places where he shouldn't be. For instance, in the station, in the car, on a steakout. Even if his life was on the line, he would still be babbling. That's the quality he loves and hates about his partner, they always have something to talk about. No wonder Burgess had fallen for him. They are exactly the same. Their mouths never stop moving.
'Kim!' He cringed at the thought of her.

"Ok. I actually wasn't expecting that." Voight answered with a smile.
He is absolutely pleased with the answer which, to him, means that their relationship is absolutely over.
The past couple of weeks, he had noticed a change in Erin. She seemed to always have a smile on her face and it makes him happy to see her in such good place. This actually made him wonder for a split second if she had gotten back with Jay, the only other time he had scene her that overjoyed.
'Well, the new guy must be special.' Voight thought.

"You won't be partnered with Ruzek anymore. Wait. Hold on, before you bust my balls about this, I need to tell you that Alan needs him. And you'll be getting a new partner." Voight said.

Jay was truly taken aback with his statement. "Wow wow wow! A new partner? I didn't know we were recruiting." He put his hand up, indicating he really didn't like this.
"It just came up. Spontaneous." Voight replied.
"I don't want a new partner. Why don't you pair him with Atwater?" He said slightly raising his voice.
"Are you questioning my decision, Halstead?" Annoyed with Jay attitude, Voight sat straight from his chair and rested his hands on the table.
His demeanor changed from happy-Voight to serious-Voight. The sound of his last name sounded so cold that it actually brought shivers down his spine.

"No, Sir." Jay answered with all the hopes of not pissing him off. Hence, avoiding eye-contact.
"Good." He sighed and continued, "You better listen up cuz I will not repeat this twice. I don't say this very often but, Jay, you've always been a hard worker. You've shown great dedication in your work, so I've chosen you to have a new partner. I want you to teach your new partner to be just like you."

This, showing emotions and feelings, was physically painful for Voight to admit but he had to. Since he had noticed that he've been really down lately, he wants to cheer him up with some words of encouragement.

'Wow. This is huge. It's practically a promotion.' Jay thought.

"I won't let you down, Sir." With that a smile spread across Jay's face. That's the first time in weeks, Voight had seen him smile.

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