In Time

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Walking out into a cloudy, overcast day and taking a deep breath of fresh air in exactly 183 days felt liberating. She no longer had to be confined in that building and vowed to never return. Although it wasn't a bad experience at all, she wasn't going to waste a second of her life because of drugs. They weren't worth it.
Being around people with the same issues felt so comforting for the last 6 months and somehow now she didn't feel normal anymore. It's been a long time since she felt this insecure. But she knows deep down, she was ready. After 6 months of being locked up, she was finally going home and going to see Kim and her family.

"Erin!" she heard someone called out, bring her back to reality. She ran down the steps, smiling as she does.
"Jay!" she cried as he brought her into his warm embrace, lifting her off the ground with a spin. They stayed like that for what seemed like forever as he absentmindedly played with her hairs, just like old times.
"I'm so glad to see you, Er...It's been too long." he caressed her cheek, "You look beautiful..."
"Thanks Jay. I feel great." she smiled and looked into his gleaming eyes, "Where's Kim?" she asked, looking around the parking lot in oblivion. She had expected her to come after all the months apart.

In an instant, his whole demeanour changed as he struggled to think of a reason. It was just her first day out of rehab and he absolutely didn't want to sabotage her sobriety. Knowing Erin all so well, he knows she wasn't ready to hear the truth just yet.

A lump formed in her throat, threatening to evoke tears. In just a few seconds, she had everything figured out. She sunk her face into his chest and closed her eyes. 'That's why she never answered my calls.' she thought.

"Don't leave me, Jay." she mumbled, staining his grey shirt with her tears as he hauled her even closer. She can't bare the thought of being alone and craved for the only thing that would make her feel better.
"Never." There was no way in hell that he was going to leave Erin. He loves her too much.
"I promise." he said softly, planting a kiss on her forehead.


Right after they pulled Kim back up from the balcony, she had a full blown panic attack. Who can blame her? She must be in shock for literally hanging off a building.

Jay tried calming her down but the trauma of what just happened proved to be too for her to cope. Kim was hyperventilating, shaking and bawling her eyes out. "I, I can't. I can't be with her anymore." she said in between sobs.

It was a head scratcher for Jay. He can't believe the words that came out of her mouth. After all the obstacles they've gone through together as a couple, with Erin almost dying, Kim helping her in getting better and them coming out to the parents- she's giving up on her now, when she needed her the most. Sure, Erin was no saint. There was no doubt that she has had absolutely wronged Kim and had put her through so much. Only because of her patience that they've lasted this long.
'If you love someone, you can't ever let them go.' he thought.

"Adam." Jay called out and walked over to him, who was hovering over the dead body, "I'm gonna call it talk some sense into her." He was so annoyed that his hair were crawling out of his skin.

"Excuse me?" Kim snapped and narrowed her swollen eyes at Jay.

She stood to meet him somewhere in the middle. Adam feeling the tension, he tried to stop her but she shrugged him off.
"Talk some sense into me..." she breathed out, as if she had been punched in the gut. "What's that suppose to mean?"
"Obvious, isn't it?....You're so selfish! You don't give a rats ass about Erin!" Jay's voice was low and quiet, enunciating each word purposefully. Jay would've done anything for Erin. Literally anything.
Offended, Kim threw her hands in the air as she was totally taken aback by his comment. "I'm being selfish!" she pointed at herself, "She's the one who put ME into this mess!! I almost died!!" she screamed.

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