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As they got ready to head over to the suburbs to meet Kim's parents, Erin can't help but feel as if she was going to throw up.
"May be this isn't a great idea, Kim. It's your parents anniversary, wouldn't it be better if I wasn't there?" Erin said in her most convincing tone possible.
"No." she exclaimed, "I want them to meet you. You're my girlfriend." Kim grabbed her hand and reassured her with a peck on the lips.

She too was very nervous and didn't know how her parents will react. As her parents are very religious, she can only hope that their reaction wouldn't be so severe.

Erin smiled, "You think they'll like me?"
"Of course. They'll love you. You're...loveable." Kim said, admiring all their is to her girlfriend.

Erin exhaled deeply and nodded, feeling slightly better. She've never felt this nervous before. To her, chasing after bad guys or even having a gun pointed at her head seem to be much less nerve-wrecking than meeting her parents. Now, as she thought about it,  she've never actually met any of her exes' parents before.

Kim let out a huge smile, "It'll be ok. Come on, let's get going." Within seconds, they were already out the door.

Halfway driving to her parents' house, Kim looked over at Erin and noticed that she was as pale as a sheet and was picking at her nails. She only does that when she's nervous.

"It's going to be ok babe." Kim tried reassuring her again.
Erin looked up at her and said, "You know, I wasn't this nervous when I told Voight about us."
"Everything is going to be fine." Kim rested her hand on her thigh and squeezed it gently.
"Oh and um, just to let you know, my mother is a little crazy sometimes."
"Whose isn't?" she laughed and looked out the window, hoping Kim was right.


Erin glanced nervously across the bullpen to Voight's office. She've been debating on the pros and cons of telling Voight in her head all day.
She had now finally convinced herself and marched over to his office. Kim nodded and gave her a thumbs up.

"Hank. Can I tell you something?" she said as she stood at the doorway to his office.
Smiling, he glanced up at his daughter and put down his pen. "Of course, kiddo. Close the door behind you."

"Ok. Promise me you won't get mad." she looked down on her lap nervously as she sat across from him.
Suddenly his face turned serious and voice colder than ice. "Erin, it depends on what you're about to tell me. I can't guarantee."
Looking at him, she can see the disappointment in his eyes. She knows he's thinking about her drug problems, that maybe she's using again.

"I'm in a relationship!" she blurted out louder than she had hoped.
'Ughh! You're in a relationship with a KIM! Why didn't you say that?!' she screamed at herself.

Taken a back by her statement, he leaned back and arched his eyebrows. "Who is he?"
"That's the thing, umm it's not a he but a she."

Silence filled the room. It was so uncomfortable and quiet that she can actually hear her heartbeat. It was beating a hundred times faster, leaving her to wonder if Voight could hear it too.
"Okkkk. Great. So who's the lucky girl?" he sighed. He was relieved that she wasn't back to her old ways. Any news is better than her using again.

His eyes widen as he tried to register what his daughter had just said.
"Ok. That explains everything." he said quietly as he looked at her. She was still looking down at her lap like she used to when she was younger whenever she got in trouble.

One by one, everything started to make sense. From the way Kim reacted when Erin was shot to the way they both looked at each other. He saw it but always thought that's what best friends do.
"You're not mad that I'm bisexual?" she asked, slowly meeting his eye level.
He looked at her in confusion. "Why would I be mad? There's nothing to be angry about. You and Kim are dating. End of story." he shrugged.

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