Coming Out

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As Erin took the last bite of her cheesecake, the awkward silence was disrupted by Kim's mom. "So Erin, are you seeing anyone?"

Erin stopped chewing and looked at Kim, asking whether she should answer.
"Mom, it's none of our business." Kim said annoyed of what her mother was asking.

Marina laughed it off and directed her next question at Erin, "Do you have a friend that you could introduce Kim to? You know she don't have much time left."
"Mom!" Kim snapped, "Can we stop talking about this!"
"Sweetheart, I'm just worried that you won't be able to have kids if you wait any longer."
Erin nearly choked on the piece of cake as Marina stated the fact. This won't end well she thought.

Kim swallowed thickly and looked at her girlfriend as this seems to be an opportunity to finally tell her parents.
"Mom, dad, I need to tell you something." she exhaled. She looked at her mother then at Erin who was looking around the room, trying her best to avoid any eye contact.

"Ahhh, see! I told you Robert! She's pregnant. I'm so excited! We're going to be grandparents." her mother exclaimed and eyes brighten with excitement.
"What! No! I'm not pregnant, Mom." Kim shook her head.

Feeling as if things were getting serious real fast, her parents put down their utensils. "Then, what is it?"
A long sigh escaped her, "This isn't gonna be easy."
"Are you sick?" Marina asked with absolute terror in her voice.
"Come on, Kimmie. What could possibly be so difficult for you to tell us?" her father asked as he was growing impatient.

"Erin and I are dating." she declared. Kim then rested her hand on top of Erin's, meeting each other's gaze.
"What?!!" her parents asked in confusion. They were both fixated on their hands that was on the table.
"We're dating." she clarified. As she was taken back by her parents sudden outburst, Kim smiled sympathetically at Erin, her eyes saying sorry for underestimating her parents' reaction earlier.

"Oh God! No! Her? What about Adam?" Marina shouted at Kim as she held onto her necklace and silently muttered a prayer.
Erin watched as the older lady held onto her necklace for dear life as if that tiny metal could actually do something.

"Ma, could you please stop shouting?" Kim said trying to calm her mom down. "I told you, Adam and I broke up a long time ago."

"I, I just thought it was a thing you kids do nowadays. Break up, get back together. Break up, get back together." her mother held back tears, hoping that she don't look weak to her daughter.
Kim saw it and felt her heart sank. She hated seeing anyone cry for a matter of fact especially her loved ones. Also, she've never actually seen her mother cry before. Her mother had always said that tears are for the weak. Growing up, Kim had tried to be just like her mother, to keep her feelings bottled up but couldn't since she've always been overly sensitive.

"Ma..." Kim went to sit on a chair next to her mom, leaving Erin all alone across from them.
"But I don't, I don't understand... you've been with guys all your life and...I, I don't get it." Their eyes locked briefly before her mother looked away with a shake of her head in disappointment. She would've never expected such behaviour from Kim.

In silence, Erin was reminded of the  one and only time her mother showed any real care about her. Sadly, it wasn't when Voight took her in nor was it when she was  taken by CPS.

"I know it's hard to-" Kim rested a hand on her mother shoulders but she shrugged it off in disgust.
At that action, Kim wanted to break down in tears. It had hurt her deeply that her own mother would push her away like that.

"How long has this been going on?" Standing now, Marina looked at Erin with pure hatred. She quickly faced away as she was giving her the chills. Erin knows she's blaming her right now. Ever since she was a kid, parents always felt the comfort in accusing her with all the wrongs their kids do. It was just so much easier to blame the screwed up kid.

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