Old Habits

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Adam looked at the clock at the District. Agitated, he was biting his pen. He've been glancing at the clock for the past hour, worried sick since his partner's still not here. Erin has never been this late before and he just can't keep up the lies he've been telling Voight all week to cover for her. Voight's not stupid. He surely did noticed her being shady the past week.

After she had ambushed him at his own apartment last week as expected, nothing went through the thick skull of hers. She went back to her old ways but even worse this time.

"Hey Kim. Call Erin." Adam whispered.
She snickered, "You're her partner. You call her."

After what Erin had done to their relationship, she couldn't be anymore bothered with her especially with her self-destruction. To her, it seems like an act, a desperate attempt for attention and not a cry for help like what Adam had said.
Obviously she still loves and cares her but doesn't want to get involved with her anymore. How can anyone fall out of love in just a day? It's not that easy.

He rolled his eyes and was about to call her for the hundredth time when the voice he dreaded all morning called out.
"Ruzek!" Voight was standing by the case broad. "Yes, boss."
"Where's your partner? I told you to keep an eye on her. She's late again." he crossed his arms. He was concerned since Erin has been late every day for the past 2 weeks. All the while looking like a total wreck. It doesn't take a genius to know that she've gone back to her old ways. But he just doesn't know the reason behind it.

"Just got a call from her..." he chuckled nervously waving his phone in the air, "...she's stuck in traffic."
'Very original.' The most cliché line ever he thought.

"I checked. No traffic in all routes to the District from her apartment." he replied with a stern face. Now, Adam feels utterly stupid. Of course, he would've easily checked. He, himself, could've checked. He works at a police station.
'Not for long.' he thought.

At this point, beads of sweat were dripping down his face as the whole unit stared at him. He knew he was alone in this and might even get in big trouble for lying. It was all because of Erin. Lately, he've found himself to be in Voight's bad side and think it wasn't fair. Just because Erin can't control her urges, doesn't mean that he too should be treated badly, he haven't done nothing wrong. Yes, they're partners and they do take the heat for each other. But it absolutely wasn't his fault that she's pushing everyone away and digging herself yet another hole.
"I don't know...Maybe she met someone...I don't know..." he waved his hand in surrender.

'Met someone?' Voight was confused since he had thought Kim and Erin were exclusive. They both went all the trouble in telling him and Kim's parents and now, they're no longer an item. This doesn't make sense to him. He was rooting for them and actually felt much comfortable Erin dating women than men. It's never simple with Erin he thought. Now, as he pieced the puzzles together, it all made sense.

"You two. My office." he pointed at Adam and Kim, leaving everyone to wonder what's going on.


"Whoa!" Kevin said under his breath, causing the rest of the team to look up from their computers as Erin trudged up the stairs.
"You look like shit." Antonio added.

Jay just stared at her. She was surely hangover. Something significant must've happened for her to react like this again. It was her way and they only way she knew on dealing with pain. In other words, not feeling anything at all. He've seen this part of Erin over a year ago and was disappointed. She was supposed to let him in.

"Ruzek and Burgess are in there right now." Olinsky pointed towards Voight's office, "You're in big trouble, young lady. Voight's pissed."

Erin simply hadn't got the care in the world. "He's always pissed anyway." was all she said and flopped down heavily on her chair.
She couldn't care less about her friends at the moment. All she could think about is the one thing that would make her head stop pounding. Every morning, she'd feel this crappy only craving the next fix, she knows this was the addiction talking but the short lasting happiness and high was all so worth it.
The need to disgorge hit her like a bolt of lightning and she rushed to the bathroom.

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