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Voight came rushing out of his office, catching everyone's attention.
"Just got a call. Rosewood High's under lockdown. There's an active shooter. Possibly a former student."

Kim can't believe that this was happening. Although she's ashamed to admit it, at the same time she's excited since she get to experience some action on her first day officially on Intelligence.
'Not everyone's as lucky as me.' she thought.

She looked over at Erin who wasn't paying much attention at all. But instead was dazed, picking at her nails. She've been this way for the past hour or so.
She've also noticed her partner and Erin acting weird all day especially around each other. From awkward glances between the two to their body language. She is sure to ask her about it later.

"Suit up! We're leaving in 5." Voight informed and with that, everyone hurried out.


The drive to the site was a quiet one for the Unit.

Erin had rode with Antonio and was still lost in her thoughts. Jay's last words in the break room had been playing in her head ever since. She let him get to her. The part that haunts her the most is the absolute truth to the statement. Kim wouldn't want to be with her anymore after she finds out. She's a good person.
Erin started chewing on her lower lip as her eyes welled up with tears, threatening to spillout of her eyes.


Kim has always been known as a chatty person especially when she's nervous. An uncanny habit that runs in her family. And now as Jay and her drove to the scene, she just can't help herself.

"Hey. You want to grab a drink after this?" she asked with pure joy in her voice.
'Seriously!' Jay thought and rolled his eyes.

"You're right....That's a bad idea. How stupid of me! There's a mad man shooting at innocent people right now...Oh mayb-"
Out of the blue, Jay hit the steering wheel with both hands in frustration.
"Can you shut up for once, Burgess?" he shouted at her. She was taken back by his sudden outburst.
In her experience, people have always find her 'friendliness' quite charming and cute.
"I don't want to grab a drink with you. Ever. We're just partners. Nothing more." he continued, sounding so sure of it.
She just nodded and looked out of the window, wondering what she had done.


As they got out of their vehicles, instantly every single one of them pulled out their long guns. The sounds of people screaming can be heard and it made everyone weak to their knees. There were students running out of the building, EMTs and firefighters rushing around attending the wounded, parents crying and screaming for their children with the hopes that they're alright. Kim looked away trying her hardest to stay strong.
'Gosh Kim! Control! Control!' she tried to calm down and her head snapped up when she heard her name.

"Halstead, Burgess, take the 2nd floor classrooms. Lindsay, Dawson, Ruzek, clear out the auditorium and cafeteria. Atwater, Alan and I will take the 1st. Clear?" Voight shouted his orders against all the commotion.
"Clear!" everyone replied.
"Let's go. Keep your radios on and eyes open." With that, they all went their seperate ways.


"Clear!" Jay's voice echoed through the corridor. Kim nodded and slowly cracked open the door leading into a hallway. Slipping through, she signed Jay to cover for her. She stayed low, checking each classroom swiftly with Jay doing the same. The room was a mess- papers, desk and chairs were everywhere.

Kim gasped as she saw a student on a pool of blood. She crouched next to the body, checking for a pulse. The body of a boy was no more than 15 years of age. Her heart sank when she couldn't feel a single beat against her fingers.
"No. He's gone." her voice was bearly audible. She closed her eyes, saying a little prayer.
"Come on. There's nothing we can do." he pulled her up and she swallowed the lump growing in the back of her throat.


The trio had moved out of the auditorium when Antonio instructed them to head towards the cafeteria while he checked the other side of the building.
"Really? Him?" Erin joked and looked at Antonio hesitantly.
Adam pulled a face. "Ouch! Don't worry missy. I got your back."

They turned the corner slowly to the cafeteria, all the while guarding each other's backs. The clock on the wall read 12:50pm. She can't help but feel a pang of guilt as these kids never saw it coming.

They were halfway in the cafeteria when Erin noticed a lone figure lying on the ground. Upon hearing their footsteps, the figure who's probably a 13 year old girl, turned around and looked up at them with wide eyes. Fear and terror written all over her face. Erin held her finger to her lips and pointed at her badge on her hip. The girl nodded and remained silent. She turned to look at Adam, indicating for him to check the rest of the room.

Crouching beside the girl, Erin noticed that she've hurt her ankle. Probably from trying to escape. She cupped her face and looked her in the eyes.
"You're gonna be alright, sweetie. I need you to listen to me carefully, OK?"
The girl just nodded with tears in her eyes. Erin helped her up and led her behind the counter where the lunch lady would've stood.
"I need you to hide in here for me, sweetie. Just stay quiet and don't move. I'll be back to get you. I promise." Erin said, hoping she doesn't sound as terrified as she is.
"Don't leave me." the girl pleaded, grabbing her hands.
"I'm sorry. The bad guy is still out there. I promise I'll be back. Trust me." she whispered back and give her hands a little squeeze.

She crawled into the tight space obediently.
"I promise." giving the girl a reassuring smile. Erin breathed in deeply before standing and continuing the search.


Adam moved towards the back of the cafeteria, looking for Erin.
'Ugh! Why you gotta be so tiny?!'

"Erin!" he whispered a little too loud. Hearing no respond, he had a bad vibe.
"Erin! Yoo-hoo!" he whispered even louder this time. From the corner of his eye, he thought he saw someone dashed by.
'Oh no! That wasn't a good idea!' he cursed to himself.

He had his finger on the trigger and quietly moved towards the left side of the room at the same time taking shaky breaths and muttering a quick prayer. He've never been a religious person but at times like this, there's no harm in believing.
He nearly pissed his pants as he came face-to-face with someone.

"Aghhh! What the hell! Erin!" he breathed a sigh of relief. Still aiming his weapon at her.
"Can you not have that pointed at me?" she had her hands up and was shaken up as well.
"Oops sorry." and he lowered his gun.
She motioned for him to follow her down the hallway where they were met with the rest of the gang.

"The building's clear." Antonio whispered to everyone.
"He's in here somewhere. He can't just disappear." Voight was adamant.

He had noticed that Kim looked exhausted and emotionally drained. He knows for a fact that she's trying her best to not burst into tears. She's a tough cookie and she've come a long way since best cop Kim.

In this line of work, being too emotionally unstable has proven its danger as judgements will be clouded.
With Kim, that's her weakness. She has a big heart and she's not afraid to show her emotions unlike Erin, who's practically a zombie.

Kim and Erin stood side by side as Voight gave his instructions. His heart tore a little as he watched their fingers slowly interlocking.

"He hasn't fired a single shot since we got here." Atwater added.
"Let's hope it stays that way. Keep looking." everyone paired up and headed back.

It was only when Erin and him walked along the corridor that he looked out the window and saw a flash of light, blinding him.
"Gun!" he yelled and aimed out the window.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Erin and him stood there, frozen in shock as a loud bang echoed through the corridor.

Unexpected Feelings: LingessWhere stories live. Discover now