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As they went back to the station, Erin immediately slumped in her chair and took off her jacket, exhausted. The adrenaline and worry for Kim has absolutely drained her energy.

Voight and Antonio went into the Interrogation Room to question the suspect.
"You coming?" Asked Voight before entering the room.
"Nah. I'll sit this one out." She leaned backwards and closed her eyes.

After a few peaceful minutes, her thoughts took the better of her. Looking around, she noticed Kim wasn't on her seat. She wondered where could she be.
"Hey Kev. Have you seen Kim?" She shouted from across the room.
"Yea. Saw her in the break room."

As Kim turn to leave the break room after getting what she needed, Erin caught her by off guard and grabbed her hand, dragging her back in. She instantly pinned her against the wall and looked into her eyes. Kim tugged her arm, pulling her closer.
'Gosh! Those eye!' Erin thought. She just loves looking into them. She has never seen eyes quite like that nor she ever thought she could be so mesmerized.

Kim wrapped her hands around her neck once she had gotten over the shock, and she can feel the goosebumps starting to form on Erin's skin, igniting fire in her belly. She can practically sense the desire radiating off of her body.

Their movements, their touch, all of it, seem to occur in slow motion, as if their the only one's left on Earth. Their heart seized to beat in their chest at the touch of their fingertips against each other. They tilted their face towards each other and their lips met in a passionate kiss, soft and slow. They've been waiting all day to do just that.

Kim tightened her hand around her neck, pulling her against her body even closer then they already were. Her mouth devoured hers, their tongues twisting around.
'Mmm...Cherry.' Erin thought once again as she clutches on to her tighter when the kiss deepens, wishing this moment will last forever.

For a split second, both ladies were lost and had forgotten where they actually were. Realizing, she got so caught up in lust and hormones, Kim started to freak out a little. She doesn't want to further ruin her first day by having Voight or anyone walking in on them, a situation that would leave them with a lot of explaining to do.

Kim pulled her lips away and Erin started kissing her neck, taking control. She moaned as Erin hit her sweet spot, all the while biting and sucking just above her collarbone.
"Erin." She breathed, voice shaky. Erin stopped and looked up at her, knowing she couldn't handle it anymore.

Kim smiled and bit her lip. "We shouldn't be doing this right now." She whispered, catching her breath. She continued "Someone might walk in and Voight is right outside."

As much as Erin likes to stay here with Kim, she can see the fear in her big, beautiful eyes. She understood and complied with her, not wanting to ruin her chances.

Erin leaned forward to whisper into her ear. "We'll continue this later." Her raspy voice breathed into her ear, tickling her in the process. At the same time, hands sliding down to her behind, squeezing it.
Kim gasped in both surprise and pleasure but before she could respond, she was already on her way out.


After hours and hours of frustration caused by the tedious paperwork, the worst part of being a cop, Kim can hear her stomach screaming at her. Although her shift was going to end, she still decided to make something to eat in the break room.

She grabbed a few slices of bread for her sandwich from the pantry when Adam walked into the room.
'Oh god! No!' She screamed in her head, absolutely horrified.

Just as he caught the sight of her, he immediately looked back at the file he was holding, pretending not to see her. He, as well, was absolutely horrified.
'Ugh! Shit!' He cursed in his head. He had successfully avoided her for the entire day but now failed.

Kim stood at the other end of the counter, facing him directly. Debating whether she should say 'Hi'.

"Hey!" Kim called out at him a bit louder than she intended to. She waved awkwardly before pulling her robotic arm back to her side.

Months had passed since they've broken up, yet most of their interactions still tend to lean on the edge of awkward. Though they were always professional, it was often difficult to find things to talk about.

For Kim, it seemed like another lifetime ago that she and Adam were an item. For a long time, Adam made her smile and laugh. He made her feel safe. Unfortunately, she was left feeling stuck and suffocated. She had once thought he was the one, Mr Perfect, just the kind of man she have dreamt of marrying and spending the rest of her life with. But his commitment to their relationship didn't reciprocate and the level didn't match hers and she just found herself wanting something entirely different.

"Oh hey." He greeted, voice quiet and quick, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. He placed the file down on the counter before rubbing the back of his neck. Knowing him all too well, it's clear to Kim that he is uncomfortable. The silence is deafening, slowly becoming louder.

Unsure of what to do or say next, Kim shuffled around, trying to make her sandwich as quick as possible with minimal sound since she knows she can't handle this encounter any longer.

He, too, tried his best to make coffee in record time but glanced at her ever so often.
'She's the one that got away.' He whined in his head.

As she finished assembling her sandwich, she tried to get out of there but was interrupted by Adam's pale face. Putting down her sandwich, she took a step towards him and placed a hand on his arm. "You okay?" She wondered, concerned by his reaction. She watches him curiously, knowing he wants to say something.

He swallowed hard and slightly pulled away from her. "I, uh, you started seeing someone?"
Although he saw them kissed weeks ago, he wasn't really sure whether anything had happened or it had even progressed to anything further. Jay and him had never spoke a word of it. They simply pretended like they hadn't seen a thing. Since that day, he successfully convinced himself that it was only an experiment.
'Everyone experiments! No biggie!!' That was in his head on repeat for weeks.

With that, Kim's throat swelled up, her words stuck somewhere between her brain and her mouth.
'Does he know about Erin?' Baffled, she asked herself.

She cleared her throat loudly as she tried to look at anything but Adam. Finally, she looked up at him with a glimmer of courage that she could gather. "How did you know?" Kim wondered.

Her answer had taken him by surprise, crushing all the hope that he's been telling himself for the past weeks. He still doesn't know if it's Erin or some new guy.
'Great. At least it's not Erin. I'm sure it's a new guy. Kim's not gay!' He again was trying to convince himself.

At first, he stretched out his arm but pulled back, realizing something. "You've got something on your neck...A hickey maybe."
Finally, Adam forced his arm forward again and touched the side of her neck hesitantly.

"What? No way?!" She can't believe what she's hearing. In disbelief, her fingers touched the spot he had pointed out.
"Oh my god...I'm sorry. This is so embarrassing!" Feeling her cheeks burn, she backed away from him and pick up her plate, cursing under her breath.
'Well, at least he doesn't know about us.' She was relieved.

Finally, she turned her back unable to bare the thought of having to face him and quickly started walking towards the bullpen.

"Kim?" The sound of her name stopped her on her tracks. She turned around, unable to look at him. He waited, probably wanting her to respond or to look his way. She does neither of them.

"Are you happy?" He finally asked.
Without hesitation, Kim finally looked up and nodded.

Adam tapped his index finger against the counter as if playing the drums. "Good." He replied. "That's all I ever wanted for you."
Then, she walked away, leaving Adam entirely confused by all that had just occurred.

Unexpected Feelings: LingessWhere stories live. Discover now