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They surveilled the building in absolute awkward silence, watching closely for any suspicious behaviour. The only noise that could be heard were the sounds of their breathing. Till this day, Kim has no idea to why Jay has such an atrocious behaviour towards her.

A few weeks ago, Erin had magically convinced Voight to take Jay off of administrative leave. Voight always listens to Erin she's the apple of his eye. Though they're not biologically related, he loves and takes care of her like his own. He've worked with many troubled teens back in the day and he doesn't know what it was but there was something special about Erin. She was different. He knew then that she was going to change him forever.

Initially, Kim had naively thought everything would go back to normal between them, like old times, but it wasn't the case. He was still an ass.

As the tension grew too suffocating for Kim, she felt the urge to clear her mind.
'What better place?'

"Jay." was all she said as she unbuckled her seatbelt and shifted her position so she could face him. She stared at him for a couple of seconds, waiting for him to look her way but he continued to look out the window.

Feeling uncomfortable with her annoying stare, he finally caved in. "What do you want, Burgess?" he asked and clenched his jaws. He was still very much angry and resented the fact that Erin had chosen Kim instead of him.

"I want to know why you're so mad at me. I don't know what I've done..." she said shaking her head.

He now looked at her, her big brown eyes staring back at her. He too doesn't know why he's so mad at her. He shouldn't be since she doesn't know anything about it at all. It was all Erin. He feels sorry for Kim, for being collateral damage in a messy situation but he needed to blame someone else other than himself for their failed relationship.

"Ask Erin." he snickered.

She furrowed her brows, even more confused.
'What does Erin have to do with this?'


Although it had already been a while since Erin came back to work, she was sadly still on desk duty. Voight hadn't even given her a chance to prove herself. Absolute pointless in arguing with him again, nothing can get through his thick skull.

She've already taken and passed her physical and psychological examination to see whether she's deemed fit for duty. She even saw a shrink for Voight's sake to make sure she doesn't have PTSD or any anxiety related disorder. He kept insisting that she wasn't ready, that she needed more time to 'recuperate' when she clearly didn't. He's such a hypocrite since he, himself, would've never even set foot into a shrink's office. It was probably his inability to let her go just yet.
'Whatever Hank.' she thought. She would let this one pass for another week or so just for him. But time any longer than that would drive her insane.

She took a bite of her cupcake and looked at her phone, that seems to be all she's doing lately, she smiled since Kim finally replied.

'I'm bored out of my mind!! Jay is so boring!!!' Kim's message read.

'I'm seriously going crazy here too! I'm so alone!' Erin frowned as she replied.

'You miss me???'

Erin giggled as it has only been a few hours, not years. 'Well, obviously!' You?'

'I miss touching you...'

Erin laughed and contemplated on one thought in particular. For a matter of fact, she've never done it to anyone before. And actually have always thought it was quite stupid.
'Ehh. I'm bored.' she thought and quickly took a picture and sent it.

Unexpected Feelings: LingessWhere stories live. Discover now