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Erin Lindsay rang her doorbell just past eight on a Tuesday evening and it's somehow, she doesn't know why, but it's more shocking than if she'd shown up in the middle of the night.

Oh wait!

She knows why - Erin's drunk.

She's drunk!


"Do you have this? Cuz I'm all out!" she asked at the door, holding up a bottle, which Kim knows she had helped it all to herself.

Alone. By herself.

A barely 115 lbs petite woman VS a litre of clear distilled liquor.

She hopes that's not vodka but she knows that it's Erin's choice of poison. And absolutely wished she had not just finished that in one sitting but she must not have since she's still standing.

One hand flew up to grab her, pulling her into her apartment. "What the hell, Erin! You're drunk. How'd you get here?"

How did she get here?

Erin thought.


"I hope you didn't drove out here."

Did she drive?

"No. I walked." she bolstered like she just had a brilliant idea.

"You what?" Kim exclaimed.

She walked all the way here. And all-the-way-here isn't just a few blocks away.

She's gone out of her mind.

What happened now?

She's drunk which means something happened since she always drinks way too much when something happened.

"Alright. Alright. One foot after the other. C'mon now, Erin." she held her by her elbow when she began wobbling slightly, guiding her to the bathroom.

"So, you wanna tell me why you're drunk, Erin."

Erin chewed on her lower lip and shook her head, wincing the ache of her throbbing skull.

Kim didn't pressure her about why she's here, figuring that it has something to do with her mother. Bunny. Like most of the reasons to her being drunk out of her mind. She've seen Erin in this state before and now being her girlfriend, she's going to help her through it.

They were almost up the tiny steps to the hallway towards the bathroom, "Careful, Erin. Mind your ste-"

Erin finished the sentence for her by slipping on a step and plunging face first onto the ground.


Kim reached down, wrapping a hand around either biceps, trying to haul her off the ground. But couldn't since it's all just water weight now, so instead, she kept her on the landing.

"Baby, are you ok?"

She nodded and she examined her to see that she was unscratched.

Who knew being drunk can cushion any fall!

"Ok, Erin. Get up."

She's not barely 115 lbs anymore.

Now, Kim was wrestling her to her knees, or trying to, at the very least, when they both slip and she found herself falling, hair fanning around her face and the sudden soft weight of Erin collapsing on top of her.

This might seem cute and adorable to a third party and it would, if she wasn't reeking of alcohol.

"Erin!" Kim struggled underneath the weight of her, she's not exactly heavy, not exactly large, but it's the fact that she's soft and squishy and she's everywhere. They're just more or less about the same height so Erin covered her from head to toe. Hot cheek wriggling against her own, shoulder bones knocking each other's, the surprising swell of breasts against hers, hip to hip, one thigh against another and...

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