Past Midnight

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"Aahhhh!!!!" Adam and 2 of his buddies cheered in victory as they watched the game. Popcorn and beer flew everywhere as they jumped in joy. It was basically a frat party but without the girls or even people for a matter of fact.

Adam checked the time on his watch just as he heard a loud knock at his front door. The sound echoed throughout the room, abruptly stopping them from their loud cheers.

"Shit! It must be the landlord. I'm so gonna get evicted this time." Adam said nervously to his friends as he clicked the mute button. This wasn't the first time his neighbours had complained regarding all the nuisance he had caused in the building. One time the cops were even called due to all the commotion. As a cop himself, he should've known better.

The knock grew even louder and impatient as he headed for the door. "Ok! Ok! I'm coming!"
His eyes nearly popped out of his sockets when he saw the person standing behind the door. Nothing good ever happens after 2am.

"Who is it, man?" one of his friend shouted from across the room as the other stood behind him in shock.

It was Erin standing at his doorway. Her hair was down, curled to the ends as she stood there in a dress. A little black dress to be exact. One that could possibly qualify as the shortest and tightest article of clothing Adam has ever seen. Thin straps draped over her shoulders along with a rather deep neckline, revealing just enough cleavage to attract eyes, especially his friend's. Adam could hardly even look at her. Not that she wasn't looking hot in that dress, she sure was since she got the legs to pull it off, but it still was just awkward and traumatising for him to see his partner in this way at the middle of the night.

"Hello there..." his friend greeted and stared trans-like at Erin's chest.
"Hey. Hey. Her eyes are up there." he nudged his friend in the ribs to snap him from whatever he was thinking.

"Well, aren't you boys gonna invite me in?" she raised her brows and grinned flirtatiously.
'This is weird.' Adam thought. It wasn't like her at all to even smile at him.

Adam clearly didn't want to let her in since he knows she'll ruin his plans for the evening. But at the same time, he wants to keep her safe and that place right now was his apartment.
Not even wanting to think where she might've came from at this early hour, looking the way she does. Other men must have noticed her on the streets he thought. That garnered a flash of anger to wash over him.

Messing with her, he put his arms around the doorway so as to block her from coming in. But being the tiny person she is, she slipped in between the space with ease.
"Hah!..." she teased him as he groaned and shut the door.

Erin was clearly drunk at the moment. Adam can practically smell the alcohol on her as she made her way in. The scent floated through the air as if she sprayed tequila all over her body instead of perfume. A pair of red high heels were clutched in her hand while she touched nearly everything she laid her eyes on in his small apartment.

"You gonna introduce me or what?" she snapped.
He rolled his eyes and sighed, "Guys, this is, my very obnoxious and clearly crazy partner, Erin Lindsay." Adam said lazily.

They've always had a love-hate relationship. And would always argue and play pranks every now and then. It may seem extreme at times but that's just how they show their love for one another. Like siblings.

The boys smiled at Erin as she waved at them.

"Oh! I come bearing drinks!!!" she sang and held up a bottle of vodka  to her eye level and squinted, trying her very best to read the label. "I forgot what's it called..." she giggled.
"What's this?" she spun around to ask his friend. But being in the state she's currently in, she fell backwards. Leaving the poor friend no choice but to catch her.
"Oops!" she laughed then continued on to wrap her arms around his neck while her leg hiked up to his waist.

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