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'Stupid paperwork!' Erin screamed in her head as she looked at the stack of papers piling up on the side of her desk. She regretted the decision she've made for procrastinating for the past month and now Voight has ordered her to stay in the station and finish everything.

As she started the paperwork, she felt a little uncomfortable as if someone's staring at her. Just as she suspected, it was Jay. His eyes are practically piercing through her skin and she can feel herself burning up.
Just then, she nearly jumped out of her skin as her phone rang. She looked at the text she've received and a huge smile plastered on her face. She  knows she looks crazy but she didn't care what anyone thinks.

Ever since, Kim and her had gotten together, Erin had never felt so happy. She never knew being with a girl would make her feel this way.

To her, it was better than being with a man. It was much easier since women understand each other much better than men do. Women aren't as passive and emotionally closed off as men and she likes that. She likes that she doesn't have to work so hard in figuring out how they're feeling. Men will bottle things up and will act like an ass when things get too much. She loves how comforting it feels to talk just about anything, something a guy doesn't like to do. To her, women are much softer when it comes to intimacy. The way girls kiss is staggering different from the way men kiss. Women are better kissers. Having experienced from both sides, girls are softer and more responsive to physical cues whereas men tend to be more rough and hard on the edges. She've always enjoyed a little firm touch but with Kim, she loves her tenderness whenever she kisses and hugs her.

"Jay! My office!" shout Voight from across the room, startling her which made her drop her phone onto the ground. As she went to pick it up, she peeked up at Jay, who was just as much startled, and their eyes met. He looked as if he was going to wet his pants. She quickly looked away, realising that she've been staring for a tad too long and he headed towards Voight's office. She wondered what stupid thing he must have done to be called into his office.

'He's still in there.' Erin wondered.
It had probably been 20 minutes since Jay went in and it's been bugging her. She needs to know why. Although they have already broken up, she still cares about him. It's not like the feelings she've had for him for years can just vanish out of the blue.

Just then a hand slipped around her face, covering her eyes in the process. She was surprised, her cop instinct was about to kick in but she realised she was at work, at a police station. She calmed down as she knows she's safe.

A smile spread across her face as she figured whose hand that was.
"Kim." she said. She wrapped her hands on hers, loving her soft touch, pulled it away from her eyes and spun around.
Kim was grinning from ear to ear. That was for sure the biggest smile she've ever seen. All she wanted to do was kiss her right then and there. Their lips interlocking as her soft lips ever so slight touched hers.
'Ugh! If only!" she screamed at herself.
But she can't as the boys were there.

"What you doing here?" she asked as she pulled her onto her lap.
"I don't know." Kim shrugged.
"Platt said Voight was looking for me." she added while she absentmindedly played with her fingers.

Feeling conscious, Erin looked around the room to see if the boys had noticed them but they hadn't. Only Adam had smiled and given them a wave. They waved back at him. She can't help but think that this was the plus side of dating a girl, people will automatically assume you're just best friends.

Now, as Adam watched Kim creep up on Erin, he knows he've made the worst mistake in his life of letting her go. He should've fought harder. He shouldn't have been afraid of commitment.
Since Kim, he hadn't been dating much. Even though, Kevin and Mouse had tried and failed miserably to set him up with some ladies, none of them can be compared to Kim. He just isn't looking for a girlfriend at the moment, just someone to have a little fun every now and then. But months and months of one night stands has drained him both mentally and physically and to him, now would be a great time to get back on the horse.
'Mouse's cousin seems great. Maybe I'll ask for a second date.' Adam thought. He looked at the two ladies and waved, they both were filled with glee. They truly deserve each other.

As embarrassing as it is to admit but the thought of them, two gorgeous ladies, kissing is an absolutely turn on and kinda hot. He hopes he'll get the privilege of seeing them firsthand in a jaw dropping experience.

A few minutes later, as they laughed out loud, Jay and Voight had walked out of the office. She immediately scrambled off of Erin's lap, nearly tripping on her own feet.
'Gosh! Why you gotta be so clumsy?!' she asked herself.

"Burgess! Why were you sitting on Erin? There're a lot of chairs here." Voight asked in oblivion.
Jay snickered as he knows exactly why.
"'s comfortable." she replied.
'Really Kim! Really!' Erin said.

Voight looked at her in confusion and thought nothing of it.
"Well, congratulations Burgess. You're our new addition to Intelligence." Voight said.

Wide eyed and in absolute shock, Kim just stood there, frozen in place. Everyone in the bullpen was just as surprise. She've been waiting for this day for so long and it's finally here. To be honest, she never thought this day would come so soon.

"Thank you, Sir." She said and put her hand out for him to shake.
He shook her hand and said, "You deserve it. You did good."
"Come on. Let's give Burgess a round of applause!" shout Antonio.
"Thank you." She said as everyone clapped.

"Oh Jay..." Voight pulled him closer.
"...she's your new partner." With that he gave both of them a pat on their backs.
"Treat her well Halstead."

Jay was absolutely speechless. He didn't know what to say. As he looked at Kim, she seems to be overjoyed. So, he let himself conclude that she had no clue about Erin and him and what she've done.

The moment Erin heard those words, she instantly spit out her coffe, spraying it all over her desk as she realised what he had just said. She glanced over at Jay who was clearly giving him the stink eye.

Unexpected Feelings: LingessWhere stories live. Discover now