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A burning sensation travelled throughout her entire body. She fell back onto the wall. It was probably the only thing keeping her from falling.

Erin was still standing in shock as the rest of the Unit were crouching, hiding and pointing their weapons out of the window.
"Erin! Get down!" shouted Voight as he motioned for her to squat. She just stared at him like a deer in the headlights, still not moving an inch.

Adam had ran and crouched behind a wall as the first gunshot resonated through the corridor. He had thought Erin was right behind, following him and had no idea that she was still out in the open.
'What the hell is wrong with her?' he was very much annoyed.

He stood up from his position and ran towards her, dragging her by the arm. Knowing all too well, she's a sitting duck.

Everything happened too quickly for Erin. One minute, she's standing. The next, she being dragged away by Adam.
"Hey. What was that?" Adam asked. His eyes filled with concern. But she wasn't paying much attention to him for a matter of fact. She was too busy looking around.

"Where, where is she?" and she grabbed his arm frantically, demanding him to tell her.
"Kim? Don't worry, she's fine." he shouted against all the artillery.

Looking down at her vest, she saw a small hole. She'd been shot and was glad when she didn't see any blood. The adrenaline had numbed the pain in her chest and now was only slightly throbbing.

A few more shots were exchanged until a shot from Antonio's gun resulted in silence. They all stayed very still, in pin-drop silence. Not daring to make a sound.
'Thank God! It's over!' Erin let out sigh of relief.

As she stood up and headed towards the team, it had just registered to her that they hadn't noticed she was shot. If they had known, they would be all over her by now, making sure she was alright.
She winced in pain as the adrenaline had now started to wear off. The pain was unbearable with every breathe she took. Grabbing the nearby wall, her entire surroundings started to spin. Her head was pounding, her chest was burning and she felt something warm running down her torso. She heard Voight's footsteps getting louder and a hand yanking her. She looked up at him.

"Erin! What the hell were you thinking?" screamed Voight who was fuming in rage.
She didn't say a word. Not because she didn't know what to say but because it was excruciating to do so.
"I, I don't know." she managed to breathed out.

Just at that moment, she saw Kim staring at her. Concern was written all over her face. Only Kim and Adam were left as the rest of the squad hurried over to the suspect on the other side of the building.

"That's not an answer, Lindsay. It could've been much worse. You could've gotten shot!"

Kim had noticed something was definitely wrong with Erin as she studied her but she couldn't figure it out. Her face was extremely pale and she looked like she was about to pass out.

"Hank, I'm..." Erin began to apologise but couldn't as the pain increased tremendously. Shaking, she reached out and grabbed Voight's arms in order to keep herself from falling.
As she hold onto him, Voight was now filled with worry instead of anger.
"Erin?" he grabbed her shoulders to stabilise her and looked into her fazy eyes.
"I..." she managed to wheeze out as she collapsed to the ground with Voight still holding onto her.
"Erin!" Both Kim and Adam came rushing towards her.

Kim kneeled down beside her, holding her hands. "Erin? Erin? Wake up!" she pleaded.
Erin felt 2 fingers around her neck as Voight checked for a pulse then a sharp pain stinging her cheek had forced her eyes to fly open.

"Ruzek! Get the paramedics!" ordered Voight.
But Adam was too shocked and flustered to even move. He continued staring down at Erin with wide and bloodshot eyes.
"Adam! Please..." Voight begged and he ran out to get help.
This was the first time since his wife had died, he felt extremely vulnerable and scared. The tough exterior that he had so carefully put up had now came crashing down as he watched his daughter slip away. His heart skipped a beat as he looked down at his daughter, trying her hardest to breathe and failing miserably.

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