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Jay has always been the kind of boyfriend who loves to plan romantic and spontaneous surprises to show how much he loves his girl.

Not talking to Erin for weeks have just made him feel bitter and alone.

That's not him!

He's thoughtful, caring, loving and amazing.

And every good adjective there is that could describe his personality.

He thought of putting all their differences aside, being the bigger person and probably ignoring the fact of the incident he witnessed in the locker room, was what brought him here, to the now, to the present.

He's just a few blocks away from her apartment.

It must not have meant a thing since it doesn't seem like anything had happened to the both.

It could very well just be an experiment.


Walking into the lobby, he has a bag of takeout from the Thai restaurant she loves so much and can't ever get enough of. Even when every time she's done eating, she'll be complaining that her stomach was aching.

Well, don't eat so fast!

He'd say.

But it's so yummy.

He also brought along with him a bunch of horror movies for them to watch because, well, she loves them.

That's why he loves Erin.

Did he just say he loves her?

Well, correction, that's why he likes Erin so much.

All of his exes had never liked horror movies. They would prefer cheesy romcoms or chick flicks. He really thinks he've seen all there is. He probably have watched all of Katherine Heigl's movies.

Although he sees why those shabby movies are appealing, he wanted a change, someone who's a risk-taker and fearless. And Erin was just that. That's one of the reasons why he loves her so much.

Did he just say the L-word again?

He likes her so much.

Likes. Not loves. He thinks.

He regrets not talking to her for weeks and he hopes she feels the same. He knows he overreacted but he just couldn't help it. He was broken and lost.

He stood at her door, ready to knock but he was so nervous. He felt like his heart's going to explode. Like he was on their first date. He closed his eyes and mentally prepared himself.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Just then, the door to her apartment opened. At the same time, he open his eyes, wide, not expecting to see her just yet.


Surprised to see him, she crinkle her brows.

"What are you doing here?" she asked nervously.

"Oh. Are you headed somewhere? Cuz it looks like you are." He looked at her attire; she's dressed.

"Oh, umm, I was actually going to see you." she said.

She was on her way to break up with him and, great, he's now here.

"Perfect. Can I come in?" He then held up the takeout, showing her that he's got her favourite food.

And she nodded, assuring him inside.

She has to do this!

She can do this!

Unexpected Feelings: LingessWhere stories live. Discover now