Chapter 1

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"So this is it." I said. The four of us stood silently, staring at the old forsaken house.

"How wonderful." Seica said at last, and it spurred us on to take the rest of the steps it took to get there. A cobblestone path, which we were now walking on, led to four rickety wooden stairs that stepped up to a single door. It was, of course, the perfect cliché of a horror infested house. That I was going to enter.

"OK! Listen up." I called, holding out a hand to stop the other three, "As we all know, this is a major cliché. So I'm letting you know now, if any of you gets possessed, or acts even slightly different, I'm killing you. So don't act weird, because I might accidently kill you even you weren't actually possessed."

"Same goes for you." Michelle said, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Of course!" I chirped, "So if I get possessed, feel free to set me on fire." Then I stopped, "Ok don't."

"Nope! On fire you go!" Seica said, and we all laughed.

"You're not serious, are you?" Melissa finally asked, and we all laughed harder.


But I remember thinking as we climbed those four steps, that I wasn't going to take any chances at all. The other three might not believe in ghosts, but I've watched my fair share of horror movies. And in this one, I'll come out alive.

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now