Chapter 28

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The distant sound of voices could already be heard as I stumbled down the staircase. I turned from the corner of the cement wall and, breathing, gazed upon the dimly lit room once again. The candles continued to flicker eerily, illuminating the crimson trail of blood, slowly darkening as it lost life. I swallowed dryly and refocused my blurred eyes on the far corner, where everyone stood gathered around Mallark. Hesitantly, I took the remaining steps that brought me over to them, not failing to notice Alen's shaking shoulders. Seica continued to comfort Melissa without noticing my arrival but Michelle threw a glance at my face, and then stared back down at Mallark. Something was sparking in her eyes, but I couldn't identify the emotion. From my side Alen suddenly dropped to the floor, hugging his knees together and burying his face.

It would be an understatement to say I've never heard anyone cry that loudly.

Melissa's shaky sobs stopped abruptly as she stared at Alen, and Seica's soft words disappeared into the air as Alen let out an indistinguishable noise full of anguish. Of everything I had seen and heard, his cry was the one that would stay with me forever. Yet, no one made a move towards him. Carefully I sat down next to him, but was at a loss of what to do. Mallark was the closest to Alen, they practically grew up together. I tried to imagine what it would be like to lose Sudhiti, how it would feel. "Alen," I whispered, "Hey. Hey, it's okay." I rested my hand unsurely against his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "Alen listen to me," Alen shook his head no but his cries had subsided into something silent. I sat back on my heels silently and gazed around, trying to avoid looking at Mallark.

"It's all my fault," Alen whispered softly, causing my head to turn to him sharply.

"No it's not," I said firmly. I didn't see how any of it could've been his fault. Maybe mine, but not his. "Don't do this to yourself Alen, don't blame yourself." I tugged his arm slightly but it felt limp in my hand, yanking him back a lot more than he should've moved. I let go slowly. I knew how he felt. Numb. Unreal. Hurting.

Melissa started her cry back up again, choking sobs that hitched abnormally every time her body shook. I closed my eyes and breathed in, mentally reaching and pulling together the shreds of my sanity. I kept a tight hold and imagined dumping it all into a chest under lock and key. There. Safe. I'm not going to lose my sanity. Not now.

"Melissa," I said, haltingly, "I beg you. Please stop crying." Seica gave me a pointed look, her eyes warning me not to go too far, but Melissa's weeping was threatening to drive me nuts. She was an ugly crier, her face tinged a dark red, her nose stuffy and running. I pushed back and stood up, my eyes glancing over Rocky's unconscious body. My mind raced, thoughts swarming around my head in a thriving herd.


I stumbled forward, feeling everyone's eyes on me, but my own eyes weren't working properly. Alen's face in front of me went fuzzy, the red blood on the floor swimming across my eyesight. Help. I need help. My tongue struggled to place the name, my lips pulling apart slightly. Sudhiti. I need Sudhiti. Help.

Suddenly all I wanted was to be in my sister's arms, being scolded for being out too late and worrying her. I wanted to be curled up on the bed with her, as she read from her phone the latest news. Murder. Death. An image formed, of Sudhiti sprawled on her bed in the room, my empty spot growing cold as she read the news on her phone out loud. Young sixteen year old Saryl was also found dead in an old abandoned house along with the seven others. I saw my parents, saw my funeral, saw the future that I would never have.

And then I saw Jet, and I heard his voice. I'll be waiting. My eyes fell on Mallark's dead body and I struggled to not look away. His empty eyes, once so bright and blue, were glassy and pale. I shivered and forced my feet to walk back to him. As I bent over the body, Alen gripped my arm.

"What are you doing?" He whispered.

"Closing his eyes," I said, "They shouldn't- they shouldn't be like that."

"I'll do it," Alen was talking to me, but he was only looking at Mallark. I nodded slowly.

"Okay." I sunk into a crouch next to Alen as he reached out and gently shut Mallark's eyes. I closed my own and breathed out before opening them again. Immediately I spotted something I hadn't seen before, a rectangular shape in Mallark's pocket. His phone.

There could still be some phone charge left, and maybe, just maybe I could get a call through. Feeling extremely uncomfortable and disrespectful, I slipped my hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone, despite the sharp intake of breath I heard from next to me. Trying to keep my hands from shaking I pressed the power button. Please work, please work. The screen lit up and I nearly fell over with relief.

Three percent left. I had to do this fast - and I'd only have time for one call, god willing. I swiped and my heart sank when the passcode came up on the screen. I had no idea what it would be. "Four, three, two, one," Alen said, a small sad smile on his face, "Mallark wasn't good at remembering complex passwords." I typed in the numbers and my breath caught as the home screen came up. 911? What do I say? Ghost? I jumped to my feet and ran, not feeling the need to explain myself. The basement wouldn't have good reception, I thought, as I sprinted up the stairs while typing in a phone number. And if Danielle decided to go after me because of the phone, at least the others would be safe.

I lunged through the doorway and clicked speaker, my ears filling with the sound of the phone ringing. Please please pick up.


I felt tears threaten to spill again, and fought to keep the floodgates closed, "Sudhiti, I need help. I need you."

"Saryl? What's wrong? Stop crying, I need you to talk to me. What's happening?"

"Mallark- Mallark is dead. Danielle - I mean, there's this spirit and she killed him and Jet was stabbed- his legs, his legs," I couldn't find the words. Couldn't speak clearly. I wanted to scream.

"Saryl, you're not making any sense. I can't understand- Did you say someone was dead?" I didn't reply. "Saryl! Who? Who is dead?" I took shaky, deep breaths.

"Mallark. And Jet's legs don't work. Sudhiti there's a ghost- you hear me? A murderous, killing spirit-" The phone screen went black. No! No no no no-

"You won't escape." My blood ran cold as I looked up and right into the two dark holes where Danielle's eyes should be. My stomach somersaulted. Her hand reached out and her fingers touched my chin as she traced my jaw. They were cold and surprisingly solid. I felt sick. "Now how shall I kill you? A push?" I wasn't comprehending. My legs wouldn't move. She giggled and then her mouth began opening- and opening and opening. Her giggles turned to screams and she flew at me, smashing me backwards with a cold, harsh force. My legs slid over the floor as I flailed backwards, and through the doorway.

I was falling. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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