Chapter 16

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"Who's she?" Jet said, blinking his eyes rapidly. They were glazed over and red from crying. "Wait, you can all see her right?" He stared at all of us from against the wall. "I'm not hallucinating...?"

"I'm Danielle. Nice to meet you." She stepped forward and reached out her hand but Alen moved to intercept her and she froze.

"She's a ghost Jet."

"...ghost?" Jets eyes shut, and I had the feeling that he was in excruciating pain and didn't even want to comprehend the fact that Danielle was a ghost. "Does that mean..."

"She's the one who stabbed you." I said, and Jets head turned to see me. I shrugged, "She's not going to kill you." I pushed off the wall and stood up abruptly, "At least, I don't think so."

"No, I'm not." Danielle said, "My revenge is complete." She smiled sweetly and I saw Alen staring at her, a confused look on his face.

"You're not going to hurt us?" Alen asked, tentatively.

"No Alen I'm not. I'm sorry about Jet, but it was only my vow I made two years ago... when he killed my cat."

I wanted to tell Alen that technically her cat was still alive but I stayed silent. As long as she was done hurting any of us, and we could leave, I would hold back my anger. Besides, Alen should be smart enough to connect the pieces.

"I killed your cat?" Jet said, "When?"

"When you were fourteen." Danielle said, "You're sixteen now, right?"

"Yeah." He reached up his hand and rubbed his face, sighing and leaning his head against the wall. His chest fell and rose rapidly. I cringed, thinking he was going to smear blood everywhere but I was wrong, it had dried. He swallowed. "And how exactly did I kill your cat?"

"You threw a knife." I said quickly, and Danielle frowned. "Uh, your brother dared you to go inside but you heard a noise and you chucked a knife... and it hit Coral. I mean, the cat. Danielle's cat." But it was obvious I messed up. Danielle's frown deepened into a scowl.

"Coral? I'm pretty sure Coral's still alive." Michelle said. "And Coral is your cat?" She said to Danielle.

"No, Coral is not my cat. My kitty is named Kitty." She huffed, and then pouted. "And Jet killed my kitty."

"But, how? I mean-" Michelle asked.

"You fell darling. You probably suffered a little head trauma and forgot." Danielle said turning to Jet instead, and ignoring Michelle, "You should've asked your brother."

"My brother." Jet said.

"Yes. Now, stop repeating everything I say like a pathetic parrot."

"I'm sorry, pa- parrot?" Jet looked confused, but not even slightly offended. He was breathing heavily, and pale. I'm not sure he was really following what was going on.


"I-"Jet stopped, and held a hand to his head. His hand was slightly shaking and his eyes lost focus. Dizziness, shortness of breath, and fatigue are all symptoms of blood loss. I remembered, from the medical camp I went to over summer. I was suddenly reminded of the urgency of the situation. His wounds needed to be treated.

"Does anyone have a phone?" I blurted out.

"There will be no use of phones-"Danielle started, her eyes suddenly hard and cold.

"Jet's going to die." Alen said.

"YOU ARE NOT TO LEAVE THIS HOUSE!" Danielle no longer looked human. She floated up in the air, her hair hovering around her head in a fiery golden halo, with her normally green eyes turned black. Black as the darkness in the basement. "EVER!" She flew forward in the air until her face was right up against Alen's. Alen seemed frozen, staring straight ahead into her eyes. I wondered what he saw in the depths of her dark eyes. They say eyes are the windows to your soul, but then again, I don't think she has a soul. "Never." She whispered, and then vanished into the air.

No one dared to speak.

"Wha-what did she say?" Well, except Jet.

"Nothing... She said nothing." I whispered, still gaping at Alen, who had collapsed onto the floor, unseeing. "Um, Alen are you okay?" He didn't answer.

"Alen!" Melissa said, her voice slightly high, and his head shot up.

"Yeah... I'm fine."

"Good to know." I said, and Melissa glared at me, "But Jet isn't. We need to do something."

"Like what?" Michelle asked, and it sounded slightly sarcastic.

I scowled. "I don't know! Something."

"That's very helpful."

"I know."

"You- you-"Jet's eyes fluttered closed, "You know I'm right- ri-"

"Yes, we know Jet." I said.


"Jet you shouldn't be talking."

His mouth opened and closed. Was he sweating? "I-"

"I'm serious. Save your energy... but don't go to sleep. Whatever you do, do not sleep." I stepped closer to him and then turned to Michelle. "Is he sweating?" I whispered. She nodded. It was beyond freezing in here and yet his body was perspiring. I frowned. "We need to cauterize his wound."


"Cauterization. Someone's going to have to burn his wounds shut."

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now