Chapter 22

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"Saryl. Saryl.... Saryl?!" I heard the soft, urgent voice of Jet. Why was I dreaming about Jet? I thought irritatedly. I felt a cold draft blow upon my legs, and eyes still closed, sleepily reached for my comforter to cover me. It must have fallen off the bed. Jet's voice grew louder, it almost sounded near me. My hands touched nothing but air, and I vaguely noticed that I was lying on something much harder than I remembered my bed to feel like. Wait...
"Saryl?" Jet's obviously upset voice finally shattered my sleepy state. Everything came crashing down upon me. I was sleeping on the floor not my bed, and I wasn't dreaming about Jet's voice he was really there, on the sofa. I sat up with a start, and rubbed my eyes furiously, trying to wipe away the sleepiness to no avail. I fixed my blurred gaze on Jet who slowly swam into focus. His face looked troubled but his voice was bitter when he said, "Got a good sleep?"
I frowned. "No." I ran a hand through my hair, feeling all the tangles with a scowl. I sighed. "Did they really not come back yet? Jeez. How long was I out?"
Jet glared at me, and I looked back at him in innocent confusion. "There are more pressing problems Saryl..." He hissed in a low whisper.
"Like what?" Maybe it was because I was tired, or maybe it was because I had just woken up, but I was cranky and frankly, quite cross. "Do your legs hurt or something?" I remarked flippantly. A second after I said it I regretted it. He was stabbed, and here I was, acting cross from not getting any sleep. But if Jet heard, he didn't react. Instead he continued to gaze at something over my head, face pale. But he no longer looked scared, just tired. Sick of it all, if you ask me.
I stared at Jet's face, because honestly, I was too afraid to turn around. I wanted to ask if it was Danielle, but it probably was- with my luck. Finally I summoned my courage and looked back. No one was there. A strangled noise from behind me made me flip my head back, where my eyes found Jet. His eyes were now wide, and they looked to me in newfound fear. Hanging over the top of the sofa like a cat, Danielle looked down at Jet, her golden hair brushing his shoulders. She was smiling, and it chilled me to the bone. Jet refused to look at the ghost girl, whose face was merely a few inches away from his. Instead, his eyes silently pleaded with me. I swallowed.  What the heck was I supposed to do?
"H-hey Danielle." I said weakly, stopping myself just in time from making awkward finger guns. She didn't reply. I glanced at Jet's distressed face again and suddenly that was all I needed this time. I stood up.
"Hey! Danielle!" The cheerleader continued to lay eerily still and sprawled on the top of the sofa. I still didn't have the guile to walk up to them so I stayed rooted to my spot but found the words bubbling up out of me. "Danielle! What the heck are you doing? Get away from Jet, you- you creepy, vile, and bilious woman! You're dead! Just move on! Why are you still in this stupid old house anyway?!"
I didn't even know half the things I was saying. What did bilious even mean again? I was breathing harder than before, and my heart was racing, but I felt a strange thrill run through me. I could do this. I could take- Danielle's head twisted slowly and abnormally to face me, her face still fixed in that eerie smile. Her eyes were black. My mouth went dry.
You were saying…? My mind whispered mockingly. “Um-” I stuttered. God I am so stupid. “You don’t scare me.” Ha! A blatant lie. Jet gaped at me in disbelief, and then shut his eyes tight. Yeah well, it’s not like Jet’s doing anything either. I can’t always save him! But I should. I forced my legs to move towards the sofa, towards Jet… towards the abomination named Danielle. Danielle’s black eyes tracked my movements, and then dropped down to peer at Jet - who was blissfully oblivious to the fact. In fact, it was quite wise of him to close his eyes because he didn’t have to look at… that.
My legs now walked of their own accord, and they stopped in front of the sofa. I grit my teeth, taking in the hideous sight. Then, in a sudden movement, Danielle’s head shot up, causing me to scream. Jet flinched in a sort of spasm, but kept his eyes closed. Her smile morphed into a scowl, and then she disappeared. I nearly collapsed from relief. Instead, I reached out and touched Jet’s shoulder gingerly. “She’s gone.” I whispered.
Jet breathed out, and his eyes flickered open to gaze up at me. They were trusting, relieved. I didn’t like it. I looked away, “I’m- I’m going to find the others.”
I heard the sound of him sitting up sharply. “What?! No!”
“They’re taking too long. Something must be wrong.”
“You can’t leave me!” His voice cracked.
I felt my face twitch but I turned away from Jet. “Yes I can.” I whispered to myself. Because Jet wasn’t the only one. Because there was still Seica, and Melissa, and dare I say it - Alen. And there was Michelle and Rocky and… Mallark. The thought of Mallark gave me an ill feeling, like something was off. I didn’t understand it, and I needed to. I started forward, but Jet grabbed my wrist.
“You can’t leave me alone. What if she comes back? What if-”
“She’s not going to. What’s the point of that?” I reached with my other hand to peel his fingers off. His arm dropped limply to the sofa cushion. “I’ll be back in five minutes.” I said. “I promise.” I offered him a smile, and walked away, leaving him to stare pitifully after me.

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now