Chapter 5

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"I call the biggest room." I said.

"No way!" Jet said.

"Uh, how many rooms are there?" Seica asked.

"Four." Rocky said, "I've been in all of them."

"There's eight of us, so two per each." Alen stated, a mere second after Rocky spoke.

"Wow, you can do math!" Melissa said, and I could tell she was annoyed that he said it before her.

I chuckled at Melissa and then ran ahead of the group. This was a pretty big house, actually. I peeked into one of the rooms. There was a bed against the back wall, already made with two pillows and covers. "I call this one!" I skipped over to the bed and lifted up a pillow, checking for, I don't know, rats? I heard the rest of the group enter the room.

"Why this one?" Seica said, making a face.

"Because." I shrugged, and then chucked the pillow at her. She sidestepped and it smacked Alen in the face instead.

"Whoa!" He said, "Watch it."

"Sor-ry." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not very good at throwing."

"Or athletics in particular." Michelle said, snickering, and I threw the other pillow at her. She caught it and tossed it to the side, where it joined the other pillow on the floor. 

"What about the other rooms?" Melissa said, walking out and everyone turned and followed her out. I sat on the bed.

"You coming?" Seica said, popping back in.

"Nah." I flopped onto my back on the bed.


"Too lazy. Hey, where's Coral?"

"Downstairs, where it deserves to be."

"Coral has a name ya know! If you can't call the cat by name then at least say he-she."


"Yupp. It's what you call something you don't know the gender of."

"I'm leaving."

"Wait!" But she was already gone. Great, I knew it would be a bad idea to bring up the cat. I sighed and muffled my face into the covers. It smelled slightly musty but deal-able. Just you see Dhiti, I'll spend the whole night here. Who's the scaredy cat again? Definitely not me (even though I'm scared of the basement). That got me to thinking about the basement in my house. I know it's silly, but I swear, sometimes I see things there... mostly imagined, but still. My skin prickled and I groaned when I realized I was now thinking of all the stuff I shouldn't be thinking about. All those horror movies... I shuddered and sat up. "Seica! Come back!" When I got no answer I shrugged off my laziness, stood up, and began to walk, eyeing the hallway through the doorway. It looked empty... I stepped out and my shoulders slumped in relief when I heard the loud sound of Jet's voice coming from another room. I recognized Melissa's voice soon after, and chided myself. Everyone's not as terrified as you, you're overreacting. I bonked myself on the head, like I do when I'm scolding myself, and turned to leave to the other room when something caught my eye. I peeked back into the room, and my eyes widened in realization and unconsciously I screamed. I clapped a hand over my mouth, effectively cutting it off and listened for the others. After a bit they continued talking. My skin crawled, and I whipped off my glasses, rubbing my eyes furiously. I put them back on and blinked. Since when were the pillows on the bed?! I wasn't imagining that now, was I? My heart beat faster. Maybe... Maybe Seica put them back on when I was lying face down and I didn't notice. But that's impossible... I would've felt something. I turned my back on the room and continued down the hallway when I stopped. I did though. I did feel something... My skin had prickled. I shook my head and quickened my pace, bursting into the other room.



"Please say you put the pillows back on the bed."

"No, why?"

I gulped. "Did you Melissa? Michelle? Anyone of you?"

"Saryl, what're you talking about?" Mallark said. 

"I swear, someone put those pillows back on the bed and it wasn't me."

"You're lying." Alen said.

"I'm not! Why would I?"

"Um, because you tried to scare us before too?" Jet said, raising his eyebrows.

"That was one time. One time." 

"The boy who cried wolf, Saryl." Michelle said, shaking her head.

"Fine! Don't believe me!" 

"Anyway, we already split up the rooms without you." Alen said. 

"That was fast." I said bitterly.

"I believe you Saryl." Melissa said, "But maybe you were imagining it?"

"Maybe." I sighed.

"You do hallucinate." Michelle said snickering, and I picked up another pillow from the bed and chucked it at her. This time it hit. "Oh, you wanna go?"

"Nah." I bit my lip, "So... Who's with who?"

"Alen and Mallark, Rocky and Jet, Seica and Melissa, and you and me." Michelle said.


"Yeah, Seica wanted this room, but I wanted the other one so we split."

"That's... nice."

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now