Chapter 4

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"So it's settled then." Alen said, spreading his hands out in a gesture to include all eight of us. "They are here on a dare from Saryl's sister and we are here because well- we talked about this." We were all sitting in a circle in the living room, a certain cat stretched out in the middle. Coral definitely seemed to be enjoying him? - herself what with all the attention and cooing. (Goodness you should hear Mallark's cooing, I swear). Seica was unnecessarily far away from the cat, but then again, I still had my suspicions on the cat as well.

"No, we didn't really talk about this. You guys just avoided the topic." I said, reaching out and lightly touching Coral's ear. It flicked irritably like I knew it would and I smiled.

"It really doesn't matter." Seica said.

I sighed. "What-evverr..."

"So you guys were planning on staying the whole night?" Rocky said. He shifted in his position next to Jet.

"That was the plan." Melissa said. She was strategically placed between Michelle and Alen.

"It was all Saryl's idea." Michelle added.

"Oh come on!" I threw my hands up in the air, and Coral started. "Sorry." I mumbled. "OK, so it's not my fault we're all in this position right now. You agreed to do this with me, and the boys are just, I don't know, here I guess. But remember, we're trying to prove a point to Dhiti!"

"Who?" Mallark asked.

"My sister."

"I thought her name was Sudhiti." Jet said, with the typical American pronunciation.

"It is." I rolled my eyes. "Excuse me for not using her full, professional name given to her at birth."

"Whoa, sass." Mallark said and I inwardly groaned. I had to remind myself that I was currently in a situation with not only three of my friends, but four boys whose vocab was made up of words like "roasted" and "boii." ß (Whatever that meant).

"Sooo... what are we going to do now?" Melissa said awkwardly.

"I'm not just going to sit here I know that." Michelle said. I stood up and patted Michelle's head. She swatted my hand away with a hissed "Don't touch my hair!" and I giggled.

"I'm pretty sure the door's locked." I said, more happily than I should have. "So there goes my brilliant plan that Melissa couldn't carry out properly."

"Excuse me? You were the one who told me to run if someone screamed."

"First, you're excused. And second, you should know a fake scream from a real one."

"What? You sounded like you were getting butchered to death!"

"Well, I am a great actress if I must say so myself."

"Honestly Saryl? Just stop. Ok? Stop." Michelle butted in, holding up a hand.

"I'm stopping... aaand it's not helping anyone so I'm just going to stop stopping."

"Is that even a thing?" Seica said.

"I don't know. Coming from Saryl, probably not." Melissa said. I was too busy suddenly realizing that the boys were just sitting and watching. Whoops, they probably hadn't seen my true self yet. Most still thought I was just the really nice, albeit loud, girl that was smart.

"Why'd you stop the catfight?" Mallark said, grinning.

"That wasn't a catfight." Michelle said, frowning.

"Nah, just bickering." I said, "If you want a catfight you've always got Coral."

"Which one?"

"Both works." Jet interrupted, apparently done with his conversation with Rocky. He stood up, and the rest joined him in standing.

"So I take it we're exploring? You know, check out where the bathrooms are, and call dibs on bedrooms and stuff." I said.

"Wait. We're staying the night? I told my mom I'd be home by ten thirty!" Mallark suddenly said. He glared at Alen.

"Hey! It wasn't my fault."

"Yeah, yeah. Break it up boys before you start a... dog fight or I don't know. The door's locked so unless you want to smash a window and get out that way you're stuck here. I know we're all ready for the night, right?" I turned towards Michelle, Melissa, and Seica.

"Not really." Seica said.

"Yeah well, we like to live it dangerous." I countered.

"Not really." Seica said again, shrugging. "Just lazy."

"True. Can't argue with that. So! Who's coming with me?"

"All of us probably." Rocky said. The eight of us returned to the staircase and began climbing up.

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now