Chapter 2

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"Someone needs to watch the door," was the first thing that tumbled out of my mouth.

"What?" Melissa said.

"The door. It always swings shut and locks, as soon as the foolish teenagers enter. So someone needs to hold the door open while the rest of us check to see if there's anything with us right now. Actually, you can do it!"

"No way!" Melissa said, "I'm not being left alone."

"I thought you didn't really believe in ghosts?"

"Still! It's common knowledge whoever is left behind gets picked off first. Why don't you do it then?"

"Fine. But if I hear anything, I'm running out the conveniently open door and leaving it to lock behind me, as I race to safety."

"On second thought, I'll do it." Melissa said.

"But then you'll be picked off." I said, frowning. "Well then! Everything has its pros and cons, so off we'll go then."


"Bye Melissa! And if I scream, run!"

Now the three of us, we crept across the living room and into the kitchen. It was dark, but the kitchen looked untouched. As if all those years ago, when the house was first deserted, they left everything in the kitchen the way it was. Including knives, I noticed, as I opened a drawer. Those could come in handy. I turned to reveal my discovery, only to find I was alone. "Guys!" I cried, finding them by the long staircase up, "Don't ever do that again."

"Why?" Michelle said.

"Why? I nearly had a heart attack, that's why!"

"That was -" Seica hushed as we all heard it. The creaking of stairs. But no one else was in this house with us but Melissa, and she was by the door.

"So should I scream now, or what?" I whispered into the silence.


We waited in hushed silence by the staircase, waiting for another creak. It wasn't long before voices carried over to us.
"There's nothing here."
"Well, what did you expect?"
I blinked, that voice... I heard it at school today. It took but a moment for my brain to match it up. "Alen and Mallark." I whispered. "Alen's the second."
"What are they doing here?" Seica said.
I shrugged and Michelle shushed us. They continued talking.
"I don't know. Something." The one identified as Mallark said.
"Boii." I mentally smacked myself. And Jet. Great. At this rate, we'll get killed. IF this place is actually haunted.
"So we leaving?" A new voice. Oh, I know this... Rocky. Nice kid.
"Why not?"
I bit my lip. Soon they'll come down here. We could hide until they leave and then continue our... dare. Orrr....
"Wanna scare them?" I suggested, voice low, as we moved deeper into the shadows of the staircase.
"What, we just yell boo?" Michelle said.
I shrugged. "Something like that."
Seica shook her head. "No, just let them leave."
"Whyyyy..." I low keyed whined.
"Hmph. Then I'll do it myself."
"You're gonna embarrass yourself." Seica warned.
"So? It's just them."
"Suit yourself."
I waited in anticipation under the stairs, until I heard their footsteps right above my head. One... two... three....
"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhaaaahhhhh!!!!" I came out screaming like a banshee, waving my arms in the air.
"$!#*&#! $**!$#&$#&$*!!!" (Wonder who that was)
*girly scream*
I ran into the living room only to see Melissa halfway out the door. "Wait Melissa!" I sprinted out after her, breaking into a laugh as soon as I got outside. "Wait - it's not- I-" I couldn't stop laughing. I took a huge breath, "So Mallark, Rocky, Alen-"
"Wait Alen? What's Alen doing-"
"Shut up! Let me finish. Ok so where was I? Ya, so them and Jet too, they all were in the house so I scared them by screaming."
I froze, and turned around slowly. "You heard that all, didn't you?" I sighed.
Jet groaned. "Ughhh Saryl!"
"Where are the others?" Melissa asked.
"Oh they- they ran upstairs." He looked embarrassed.
"And you ran outside?" I said, grinning. I burst out laughing again.
He opened his mouth to retort but a loud bang silenced him. The door of the house had slammed shut.
"No..." I muttered. I ran up the stairs and grabbed the handle. It was just as I suspected. The door was locked.

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now