Chapter 13

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I scurried down the stairs, my head pounding. This was the worst kind of head ache - the kind that foreshadows impending doom, the feeling of mass deja vu, and the persistent thump thump thump. I stopped at the foot of the stairs and twisted around to stare upstairs, where I could be holed up in the bedroom with the others... but of course I'd volunteered to find Mallark. A resounding boom sounded outside and the steady splatter of rain continued. Silently, I entered the living room. It was cold. Now I really wished I could've persuaded someone else to go. A flash of lightning lit up the room, and my eyes widened as I saw Jet cowering by the entrance of the kitchen.
"Jet?" He didn't answer... Despite the damp air and cold feeling settling into my bones, I found it funny that Jet looked so small sitting against the wall. I crossed the room in quick steps and stood right in front of him but he didn't look up. "Jet!" I snapped, because I did not have time for this, but he didn't move. I nudged him with my shoe and when I got no response I knelt by him. "Hey. Hey, Jet?" My voice was low, urgent because I wanted to leave this place. The kitchen was where everything had started... where Seica had first gotten possessed. I waved my hand in front of his face and snapped my fingers but to no avail. I stood up, "Umm just stay there and I'll be back? Riiiightt... okaaay..." I turned around, and then changed my mind and spun on my heel to look at Jet again. He was still and unmoving. "Are you... dead?" I whispered, the realization dawning on me. I dropped down onto my knees and visibly relaxed when I saw a puff of air leave his mouth. He was breathing. Well then I guess he's fine for now. I left him against the wall and then peeked into the kitchen. All was empty. I shivered in the cold and then went to check out the sofa room. It was empty as well. I glanced at Jet from the corner of my eye as I did my inventory of the rest of the ground floor, and then my eyes landed on the basement door. My mind stilled while my heart beat faster. Of course. Of course it was the basement! We checked the whole house but the basement. Slightly hesitant but anxious at the same time, I rested my hand on the silver doorknob. It was freezing to the touch. I twisted it and opened. A blast of air hit my face and I jumped away, teeth chattering. Why did it get so cold?! Inside was darkness. Wait, no... I peered down the stairs, was it my imagination or were there lights? Small flickering lights. I stepped down onto the first stair, slowly, my heart racing. Everything was still... silent. I was hyperaware of everything. My bangs tickled my face, my fingers were numb with cold, and my eyes saw only black- and that fuzzy light. My foot lifted up to step down-

A scream.

I shot up the stairs like a loose cannon, mind spinning, and breath catching. The basement door slammed shut behind me but I didn't care. I sprinted towards the kitchen - towards Jet - just in time to see three knives sink into his leg. A second wave of three more knives hovered in the air above him and now they whisked forward. I screamed. He turned to look at me and the other three knives hit the same leg again. He didn't scream, but tears were streaming down his face. But I didn't help him. I stood, three feet away from him, staring back at him. And then I fixed my gaze on the next three knives in the air. It was selfish, but I didn't want to get any nearer. I was not looking to be stabbed. "Move." I whispered, but my voice caught and I was sure he didn't hear. I couldn't hear myself. "Move." I said louder. He only stared back, and suddenly all I could see was the blood. The thick red blood oozing out of his leg. And then the knives dropped, clattering to the floor and making me drop to the floor and cover my ears with a sob. Minutes passed and I furiously scrubbed the tears from my face. I was right. Of course I was right, I'm always right. I just wish I wasn't right for once. "Are you okay?" I inched towards Jet, and my eyes wouldn't leave the sight of the knives sunk in flesh. "It's not bad, don't worry."
"N-not bad?" Jets voice was barely heard, and I had to strain to hear it.
"Yeah, I've seen worse." My voice shook and I swallowed, "Trust me, they didn't go in that far. I mean- you can't see the bone."
"Bone." He echoed.
"Yeah." I glanced at his face and then reached for the knives on the floor. I picked up two of them and then wondered what I should do with them. I dropped them. I should go upstairs and get the others. Didn't they hear me scream? But... should I leave Jet? "I hate to say this but I have to go upstairs. Jet?" He had passed out. It left him as easy prey for whatever spirit lurked in this house. He couldn't even scream. I felt torn between going upstairs, staying, or even going to the basement. Definitely not the basement, I decided. I sighed, and reluctantly stood. A wet sticky feeling made me gulp as I looked down. The bottom of my pants had blood on it. I swallowed, ignored it, and made my way up the stairs quickly, gripping the banister. I stumbled down the hallway blindly until I came across the locked door. I knocked rapidly on the door. "Hurry! Open!" No reply. "Guys? Please answer." Suddenly everything felt hot. Extremely hot. I bet if I touched my forehead it'd be unusually warm but I was aware I had gotten blood on my hands. I rubbed my hands against my shirt, trying to get Jets blood off of me. The only thing I was thankful for was my dull nose. For once me being noseblind helped me withstand the metallic scent of his blood. "Seriously!" I shouted, slamming my palm on the door. I stared, horrified, at the red streak left on the white door.
"How do we know you're not possessed?"
Anger surged in me at the sound of Alen's reproach full voice. "Alen open the door or God help me I will personally murder you."
"Alen it's Saryl I have to-"
"No Melissa it could just as easily be the spirit. We can't risk our lives like this."
"You mean YOUR LIFE?! You coward! Open the bloody door!" I said, using the only half curse word I'm allowed to say... And then I realized the door was actually bloody, and that just made it worse. "Please." I begged, "It's a life and death matter." I glanced down the hallway fearfully, hoping Jet wasn't dead yet.
"I'm opening it Alen."
"Melissa I'm telling you-"
"Shut up Alen. If you're not going to open it either Melissa, I will." The door flung open and Michelle glared out. Her glare quickly transformed into shock and she stumbled back. "Sar- Saryl?!"
"Hurry! Jet's- Jet's downstairs and he needs help." I stepped in and felt my heart constrict at the look on Alen's face. "Don't look at me like that." I muttered, turning away, "It's not my blood." And then I ran out the door.

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