Chapter 8

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"Rocky?" I called out, hesitatingly. Anything could be in there... Rocky... or the ghost? "Do you think it's safe to check out the kitchen?"

"What?" Seica said.

"Okay, look." I said, preparing to give a speech. I stopped, merely a safe five feet away from the entrance to the kitchen, and turned to face Seica. "Here's the deal. Imagine... that we're in a horror movie. Which, this is... kinda like. Anyway, um this is the exact part of the movie where the main character, the protagonist, which by the way is me -" I tossed my hair and Seica rolled her eyes, "hears a noise and foolishly decides to move TOWARDS it instead of away and ends up killing both herself and the other supporting characters... which is you, if you wanted to know."

"First of all- I'm not a supporting character, and second- True."

"If you're not a supporting character in my life then what are you?" I said.

"I'm... just there."

"Oh. Okay. But about the noise..." I glanced at the entrance where a faint thumping could still unmistakably be heard. "If it's Rocky he would've answered. I think we should go back upstairs."


"But on the other hand what if Rocky's in trouble? Urgh, do I really want to risk my life for him?"

"Saryl you're so rude! And cruel!"

"What? No I'm not! I'm just- well if this was a horror movie and there's actually something there, and I walk in just for Rocky's sake and I die- well, do I really want to do that?"

"This isn't a horror movie. You're so paranoid."

"I'm not paranoid! I'll show you." I started taking quick rapid steps towards the kitchen. That's when I realized something... the thumping had stopped... and replaced with the sound of footsteps. I paused, and that's when I heard it - a voice.


"Seica did you hear that? Someone said my name!"

"Yeah, me." Alen said. I spun around and sure enough Alen was standing there. "I thought you uh found Rocky."

"Oh. Right. I mean there were noises coming from the kitchen." I turned around to find Seica but she was nowhere to be seen. "Huh. Where'd Seica go?"

"Maybe the kitchen?" Alen said.

"Right." I rolled my eyes and turned to go inside the kitchen when I was interrupted. Again.

"There you are Saryl! Did you find Rocky?"

"Melissa, really? I thought we established this. No, I did not find Rocky and I'm pretty sure Seica and I already said we were going down to look for him."

"You left out the part about the kitchen and the noises." Alen added.

"That too." I said, and then delayed no further. I was going into the kitchen.

"It was just the cat." Seica said, walking out of the kitchen. "She was the one making the noises."

"Oh! I was just gonna go in." I said.

"That was anticlimactic." Alen muttered. "I'm going to join the others."

"Same." Melissa said, and the two of them left me and Seica standing by the kitchen.

"The cat?" I said.



"We should probably join the others." Seica started walking and I followed her blindly. Something was really bothering me. It was a fuzzy feeling (not the good kind) and it was there, but blurry. What was it? Why do I feel this way? "Hurry up!" Seica said, annoyed, and I quickened my pace...

But I knew. I knew why I felt like this. I glanced back and saw Coral slink out from the kitchen, her black tail swishing in the air. I narrowed my eyes at the cat and then fixed my gaze on the back of Seica's head. The one thing I knew for sure in this house is that Seica hates cats. So then why the heck did she call Coral a "she" instead of "it", and why didn't she run out of the kitchen if there was a cat inside? Sometimes people change. I scoffed. I doubt it.

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now