Chapter 15

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Her blonde hair was wavy, and it tumbled down her shoulders in slight, graceful curls. That was the first thing I noticed. Then my eyes drifted down to her clothes and shoes, a faded cheerleading uniform and a pair of stylish black pumps. I've got to say, I was not expecting that.

"What'cha looking at?" She drawled slowly and I looked up to see her grinning at Alen, whose face quickly turned red, and then disgusted. He turned around, saw Jet, and quickly turned back around. I got the feeling he preferred looking at her then Jet at the moment. I frowned.

"Why'd you stab Jet?" I asked sharply, refusing to look at her and watching Alen instead. He jerked slightly, as if just now remembering that she was the one who stabbed Jet in the first place.

Her eyes drifted away from Alen and found me instead. "You." She said simply. I faced her and saw her smile, her head cocked to the side in an irritatingly puppy like way. Then what she said sunk in. She stabbed him because of me? "What's your name again?" Oh, nevermind, she just didn't know my name... figures.

"Sary- Does it really matter?" I wasn't going to tell her my name. Names have power.

"Well, if I'm going to be hanging out with you guys, then I figure I should at least know your names." Her voice was light, cheery... as if there wasn't a boy punctured with knives like a done up voodoo doll sitting right in front of her. "My name's Danielle, but some people call me Elli... Yeah, you can call me Elli." She was no longer looking at me, now she was turning her million dollar smile to Alen. He swallowed and shuffled closer to the person next to him, not wanting to be in Danielle's center of attention. The person next to him, in fact, happened to be Melissa, who glared at the ghost like she wanted to strangle her. Except... she couldn't because, well, Danielle's already dead. The ghost didn't even look at Melissa.

"You didn't answer my question." I said, without thinking.

"And you didn't answer mine." Her reply was but a second after my question, and her eyes focused on me quickly. I felt myself grow nervous... She was dead and she was murdering Jet a few minutes ago. I couldn't let myself forget that. "Your point?" She added, and I sensed a dangerous gloom settle in the air.

"Mine's more important." I said, trying to keep my voice from growing silent.

"Is it really?" She twirled a lock of her honey blonde hair and took the last few steps down from the staircase. "What benefits you from hearing out my reasons?"

"Well, you just stabbed-"

"Your friend?" She was a mere four feet from me.

"No! Wait- I mean-"

"You stabbed my friend." Alen said, but his voice cracked and gave away his false bravery. Almost lazily her eyes flitted to Alen's.


"You can't do that!" Alen almost screamed. .

"Oh. Sorry." She shrugged, and then pushed past me to Jet. I felt a chill slam into me where her shoulder had brushed mine. She reached down and brushed a piece of Jet's hair away from his face. None of us stopped her. "I didn't know he meant that much to you." She straightened up and tilted her head, gazing down at the passed out Jet. "But, he'll probably live- If you want him to." She looked over her shoulder at Alen, whose mouth opened slightly.

"He'll live?"

"Mm hmm." Her mouth curled up into a sweet smile and she flounced over to Alen. He stumbled slightly back but no further. She leaned forward,"I think-"

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now