Chapter 27

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"He's not dead."

"Then what, he's sleeping?" I snapped sarcastically, before my brain could even catch up with reality. I wanted to turn around, but my legs stood rooted to the spot.

"He fainted. Couldn't even handle something as simple as a little fall down the stairs." Her footsteps, so loud to my ears, stopped behind me.

"He's... breathing." I murmured, finally making out the subtle but soft fall and rise of Jet's chest.

"Yeah." And all of a sudden the world came rushing back, slamming into me at all corners, forcing me to become as level headed as possible.

"Michelle." I breathed, turning around, "What happened?"

"Everything, everything happened." Michelle said, and in the flickering light of the candle flame I made out her grim countenance and knife clutched tightly in hand. She closed her eyes, inhaled, and then exhaled, opening her eyes again. "Alen's passed out in the kitchen, next to Seica. I can't- I don't know where Melissa is."

"With Rocky. And... Mallark." Something was crushing my heart. It hurt to speak. "Michelle, Mallark's- Mallark's dead." The words were unreal coming out of my mouth. When Michelle didn't reply, I hurried to fill in the silence. "He's really dead. His neck it's- it's broken, twisted, and there's blood... blood just... just everywhere-"


I stopped speaking and drew in huge gulps of air. "Okay." Breathe in. "Okay. I'm good." And breathe out.

"While you were sleeping, Danielle pushed Jet down the stairs. A lame attempt at murder, but it might've worked if I wasn't there." Michelle said, "Jet caught onto the railway halfway down- it's a miracle really how he managed to stay in that wheelchair- and I was able to bring him here after..." She cleared her throat, "After fighting off Seica."

"Danielle." I said.

"Seica," Michelle said, "Seica is probably going to wake up battered and bruised." Her hand unfolded and the knife dropped to the floor. "I didn't use it. I couldn't- wouldn't."

"You did a lot." I whispered. "Thanks."

"Alen's a wimp." Michelle continued, "Found me in the kitchen with Seica and promptly passed out. All this fainting, all this-" Her voice shook and she stopped abruptly before it could get any worse.

"It's okay to cry sometimes."

"Not now." Michelle said, and she glanced behind her at Jet. "Not until we get out of this mess."

"Then where's Danielle?" Even as my fingers were ice, and coldness clung to me like a second skin, something burned within me. Something red hot and flaming, eating at the cold exterior- hungry to be let out.

Michelle gave me a side glance. "Beats me. Seica crumpled and Danielle disappeared."

"Well she's obviously still in this drasted house somewhere." I said, thinking, "Well... any idea how to wake them up?"

"How'd you wake up Seica before?" Michelle asked.

I thought back to the time where I had..."Oh no, you seriously think we should dump water on them?"

"If it worked before, it'll work again." Michelle said, shrugging.

"Um, okay then.... Kitchen?"

"I'll go." Michelle said. "You should stay here with Jet." And she walked away before I could say anything. Why is it that I always end up staying with Jet? I sighed and turned around. Jet stayed motionless, his arm hanging out from the sofa. After a few seconds of silence I reached over and placed Jet's arm back on the sofa, making sure it wasn't in some kind of an awkward position. Then, sighing, I slumped into my usual spot by the foot of the sofa.

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now