Chapter 24

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"Sorry to interrupt!" Seica said, bursting in with a wheelie chair, "...if there's even anything to interrupt." She added hastily.

"Nope. Nothing to interrupt!" I said, standing up and brushing non-existent dust off my pants. "Great! You got a chair! Now let's get Jet on this baby." I pulled the chair from Seica's hands and wheeled it over to the sofa.

"So... how exactly are you going to do that?" Seica said.

"Um..." I looked at Jet uncertainly.

"I can-" Jet sat up and tried to move his legs but his face twisted in pain and he let out an anguished groan. His face flushed - from pain or embarrassment, I'll never know.

"Jet hold on, there's no hurry." I said, although that was an outright lie. I seemed to be lying a lot, ever since entering this cursed house. I took a step back and scrutinised the scene. If there was an easier way to move Jet...

Seica coughed from behind me. "Uh, Saryl, take a picture it'll last longer."

"What?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"A picture." Seica said, "It's way better."

"What do you mean a picture? Why would I want a picture of-"

"You were staring at me." Jet interrupted suddenly, "Seica meant- you know- that..." His face grew even pinker than before, which was saying something.

"Oh." I said, blinking. "OH."

Seica started laughing but tried to disguise it with coughs when I slapped her on the shoulder. My face was heating up so fast it felt like it was on fire. "Um," I said, "I was just trying to figure out the best possible way to get him in the chair! Hello? More pressing problems here! " I said.

"Right." Seica said, "Sorry I couldn't help myself."

"Well, anyway," I huffed, "I figured it out. You know, because I'm like super smart and all that."

Seica rolled her eyes, "Just get on with it."

"If we place the chair right here," I moved the chair to line up with the bottom half of Jet, "And if one of us grabs Jet by the arms and pulls him kind of off the sofa to the chair he should slide in nicely. Er, well, nicely as in with a bit of pain and struggle but better than any other choice we have." Seica started nodding along in agreement as I mimed what I had just said to further explain.

"Okay." Jet said, after I had finished. "Go ahead."

Both me and Seica looked at each other. I motioned for her to go ahead.

She shook her head no at me. You go, she mouthed to me. I shook my head vehemently. No you. I mouthed back.

"I can see you. I hope you realize that." Jet said, rolling his eyes. "I may be crippled but I'm not blind."

"Sorry!" I said. "Fine I'll do it." I strode over to Jet in quick steps and then proceeded to hover over him awkwardly. "I'll just um..."

"Saryl just do it." Jet said.

"But I don't want to hurt you."

Jet grinned up at me. "Seriously Saryl, it's no big deal. I doubt it could hurt that much." He nodded to me. "Now come on. I bet you're only hesitating because you know you're too weak to move me."

"What? That's not true!" Honestly, I was offended. So now I was the weak one?

"Prove it." He said, holding out his arms to me earnestly.

I stared at his outstretched arms and then realized my flaw in the plan. "Jet, put your arms down. If I grab you by the arms I'm probably going to yank them out of their sockets."

Jet started laughing and dropped his arms. "Don't flatter yourself. But okay whatever you say. So what should I do?"

I already knew what I should do but oh god with Seica watching this was going to be so cringe worthy. Especially since I didn't feel the need to do it exactly, since this wasn't really life threatening. But... it is life threatening isn't it? If I don't get Jet upstairs... and Mallark, he's waiting upstairs too. I bit my lip and tried to keep from blushing. Without offering an explanation I moved my position so Jets sitting back was facing me instead. He attempted to twist around to look at me. "No Jet, stay like that." I took a deep breath. It's not going to hurt him. It's not going to hurt him. It's not going to-

I slipped my arms underneath his and wrapped my arms around his upper torso. I heard Seica snicker from in front of me but honestly I didn't care that it looked like I was hugging Jet. I just needed to pull him onto the chair in the least painful way.

"Seica hold the chair so it doesn't move!" I screamed shrilly, and Seica abruptly stopped smiling and launched herself forward to grab the chair while in a sharp tug I pulled Jet off the sofa. Adrenaline coursed through my veins like it was suddenly injected into me and I heaved him off and onto the chair, but not without any incidents. His leg hit the sofa side as he slid into the chair but he didn't make a sound.

Just as suddenly as the adrenaline shot through my body, it left. My arms felt exhausted and they still clung loosely onto Jet. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "I know that hurt."

"No I'm- I'm fine." Jet said. I took my arms off of Jet and moved aside but Seica made no move to take over. I placed my hands on the top of the chair and pushed it experimentally to see if it would move. It wheeled forward smoothly.

"Jet, you okay?"

Jet dropped his head back and gazed up at me. "Just peachy." He said. "I deserve a told you so."

I smiled. "Go ahead."

"I told you so."

"Okay, well, I stand corrected. Thank you for informing me of that Jet." I said, "Now put your head up, it's tickling my hands. Also, it weighs a lot - my fingers aren't very comfortable."

"I can't help it, I've got a thick skull." Jet said, refusing to put his head up.

"Really? I never knew." I pushed his head up and rolled my eyes. Seica coughed from next to me and whispered something. I glared at her and she burst out laughing.

"What's Seica laughing about?" Jet asked.

"I wish I knew." I said dryly and began to wheel Jet out the room. We were wasting enough time. It was only a matter of time before I had to push him up the staircase and I didn't even want to think about that yet. Everything sailed smoothly and it was only a matter of seconds before we stopped at the staircase.

"Saryl-" Jet started.

"Jet, I've got this." I said.

"Okay." Jet said. "I trust you." Honestly, I wished he didn't. It was like he was putting his life in my hands now. This wasn't the Jet I went to school with or scared out of the house. This was someone else.

"Uh, Saryl you okay?" Seica asked, peering at my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, frowning. I exhaled and tried to still my nerves, tightening my hold on the top of the chair. Then I stepped back and let go of the chair, shaking out my sweaty hands.

"Saryl?" Jet said, almost immediately right after I let go of the chair. He dropped his head back but could no longer see me since I wasn't standing directly over him this time. He attempted to twist around and Seica shoved me forward roughly.

I turned and glared at Seica again. "You're wasting time." She said.

I sighed. "Okay, sorry." I held the chair once again and stared down the steps. "Ready Jet? I'm going to tilt the chair back."

"Okay." I pushed down on the top of the chair so it careened towards me dangerously and Jet's hands gripped onto the armrests of the chair. I saw him swallow and his face go pale and then I stopped looking at him.

"Alright... let's do this." I murmured to myself.  

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now