Chapter 21

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Jet screamed. I should've expected that but I didn't and I flew back in surprise. Michelle, although wincing, paused and sat back on her heels.

"You trying to make me deaf, Jet?" She muttered. Obviously, Jet didn't hear, because he continued to scream.

"Melissa!" I said, agitatedly, and Melissa seemed to break out her daze and passed me a wooden rod/stick thing. I stared at it and then looked at her in exasperation and she shrugged. I turned and promptly stuffed it in Jet's mouth. "Bite down." I said, a bit harsh, and was relieved to find that he listened to me.

"Ready?" Michelle asked. Jet made muffled cries and shook his head no.

"Alen, go hold Jet's hands." I said, noticing that Jet's hands were curled up into fists, his nails digging into the palm of his hands. Alen only stared at me. "Okay, don't." I said. I sighed and kneeled down by Jet's side, talking hold of his arms to hold him down. "Ready, Michelle."

In quick movements Michelle pressed the blade of the knife onto the last three of Jet's puncture wounds. "That wasn't so bad now was it?" I said, letting go of Jet and sitting back. Jet didn't say anything, still biting down on the stick. "Um, do you want me to take that out?" I asked. Jet spit it out in reply and I stared at it before grimacing and picking it up between my thumb and pointer finger.

"Here." Michelle said, passing him the bottle of alcohol. I glared at Michelle but she shrugged, "He needs it."

Jet held the bottle in his hand, but made no move to drink it. "Do you want me to open it for you?" Alen finally said, walking over.

"Help me sit up." Jet said, his voice quiet but bitter as he reached out his hand.

Alen clasped Jet's hand and then yanked him up, letting go and stepping back a little from the force. Jet popped the cork and then took a long pull from the bottle while I watched in disapproval. (DRINKING IS BAD!!! DON'T DO IT!!!) The bottle began to drain a little more than halfway before I reached in and yanked the bottle out of his hands. "That's enough." I said, frowning. I wasn't going to stick around for when he got drunk. Jet sighed and rubbed his forehead and I capped the bottle and cast it aside. So much for that.

"Now what?" Seica asked.

"We look for Mallark and Rocky." I said, "While Danielle is still preoccupied doing whatever."

"So we're just going to leave Jet sitting on the sofa?" Alen said, incredulously.

"No? Who said anything about that? You're going to stay with him of course." I clapped my hands and stood up. "Okay! Who's up for the basement?"

"Wait! I don't want to stay here!"

"Alen-" Melissa started.

"It's okay." Jet said, "I get it."

"Wow Alen." Michelle said, shaking her head. "Ditching Jet in his time of need."

"What about you guys?" Alen said. "I don't think-"

"That's right! You don't think! I do all the thinking, so shut up Alen." Alen shut his mouth, but kept the coldest of glares on his face. I glanced over at Jet, who was staring at his legs with a forlorn gaze. "Good. I'll stay here with Jet. The rest of you go down to the basement. There's something down there... something that- Never mind." I was babbling, trailing off into thought. I bit my lip, trying to figure out the best possible plan of action. "Just go down there. And stay together. Rocky or Mallark might be there. Or even both."

"Okay." Seica said. "Sounds alright." They bid their goodbyes and began to walk out the door.

"Uh one more thing Michelle." I said, and she stopped and turned as the rest of them continued on without noticing. "Remember what we talked about?"

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now