Chapter 14

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As I stumbled down the stairs yet another time, I came across the same sight of Jet, passed out and bleeding. At least he wasn't dead yet. A gasp to my right told me the others had arrived. Not really wanting to, I turned around to see their reactions. Alen's face had gone pale, and he tottered forward, a strangled noise rising up from his throat. I found that I took this rather well, seeing as to I actually witnessed the whole thing and Alen was just looking at the aftermath. His horrified eyes then turned to me, and his normally clear words stuttered as he spoke.

"W-what hap-hap-"

"Happened?" Melissa finished quietly. Tears were streaming down her face. I was surprised. It was one thing for Alen to react this way, he was quite close to Jet. Melissa... never really talked to Jet. But still, he was our classmate. Nobody wants to see someone die. Not like Jet is going to die, I thought suddenly. I felt someone brush my arm and I turned to see Michelle staring at Jet with a blank face. She took a small step forward, as if trying to comprehend that someone, especially someone she knew, was stabbed and bleeding in front of her. Finding myself suddenly wanting to fill up the silence, I spoke, and my voice sounded displaced in the still air.

"I saw him get stabbed." I halted and my voice lingered in the air. "Six knives, two waves of three. They were just... floating." I faltered, and then stumbled forward, dropping to my knees. I picked up one of the knives and held it up to show them. "See-" Alen flinched, and a numb shock went through me. I realized what I must've looked like. Blood on my clothes... knife in my hand, sitting next to a still breathing body. For the second time I let the knife clatter to the floor, and then pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. "I um- I think-" I stopped trying to speak when I noticed Seica calmly making her way down the stairs, trailing her fingers along the rail.

"Can someone tell me what happened?" She said. "I woke up, lying on the bed, and I can't remember anything." Her voice shook slightly on the last note. I stared at her, assessing her, and I felt something well up from inside of me. Anger. Red, hot, anger that bubbled in the pit of my stomach and then steadily rose higher and higher, pushing it's way out-

"Oh, quit the act already!" I jumped to my feet, fists clenching and unclenching. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw the other three turn to stare at Seica. Alen wiped his eyes and blinked at Seica, like he was trying to see if she was possessed or not.

Seica narrowed her eyes at me, but tilted her head to the side, eyebrows furrowed. "What? What are you talking about?"

"You didn't react to the fact that Jet is stabbed and bleeding in front of your own eyes. Why? Because you're the one who- who did it to him."

She giggled. "My my, someone's smart."

"Stop using Seica's body like a vessel and get out!"

She pursed her lips, and drummed her fingers on the railing. "Fine, but only because I like your spunk." Spunk? Who- what the heck was this spirit? My fuming thoughts were interrupted when cold air blasted me in the face and a cloud of air erupted from Seica's mouth. Seica crumpled to the floor but nobody was watching her. Everybody was looking at the swirling cloud of air as it slowly took shape.

Standing in front of us was a girl. A very pretty one too.

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now