Chapter 3

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"NO!" I screamed, "No no noooo!!!"
"$!#*. Chill." Jet said.
"Chill?! Chill?! There are innocent lives trapped in there! I mean," I mumbled, "I don't know about Mallark or Alen, but Michelle, Seica, and Rocky are still in there!"
"Hey!" Melissa said, on behalf of Alen I suppose.
"Here, let me try." Jet shouldered his way past me and vigorously shook the knob. Then he took two steps back and slammed into the door. It held shut, surprisingly (considering the last one was dented the last time he did that).
"It's not gonna work." I said, dryly.
"Shut up!"
"Ok, geez." I rolled my eyes as he walked down the steps and then sprinted up, shoulder jutting out for the door. The door swung open before he could even touch it and he sprinted inside instead, smashing into Mallark.
"What the $!# Jet?!" Mallark cried. "I'm being crushed!"
I left them to sort that out and coolly stepped inside, Melissa by my side.
"Woah, what are they doing here?" Alen said, pointing to Melissa.
"We could ask the same question." I answered before she could. He narrowed his eyes but once again I spoke before anyone else could. "Where's Michelle and Seica?"
"They're here too?!"
Everyone ignored Alen. Jet looked around warily, "And Rocky." He added.
"Ghosts aren't real." Alen claimed. "So stop acting all jumpy. Rocky is still upstairs, he wouldn't come down with us. And the others..." He shrugged.
"You know," I said grinning, "The ones who don't believe die first. Come on Melissa."
"I swear Saryl-" Melissa started as she followed me, but she stopped when she came across the same sight as I did. The door to the basement was open, and a cold draft blew up from somewhere down the dark stairs.
"Um," I swallowed, "Hello?"
"Seica?! Michelle!" Melissa called into the darkness. Somewhere below, a noise clattered. I jumped and Melissa slammed the door to the basement shut.
"Wait! What if that was them?"
"Not possible." Melissa said, "Because they're right there." I turned to where she was looking, where I saw the rest of the group had joined us.
"What?" Rocky said.
"We heard a noise from the basement." Melissa said.
"Let me see." Jet said, pulling open the door. Once again a cold breeze hit me, toying with my hair and leaving soft whispers of chillness settled against my skin. I shivered.
"Shut up Saryl."
"Fine! But if you go down there and scream or something I'm not helping! I'm definitely not risking my life for you. And if you even think of coming back up here possessed, I'll burn you alive."
He gave me a look, like what a weirdo, but I didn't care. I believed in the supernatural, and I was positive there was something off about this house. "Be careful." Alen warned, at the last minute after my outburst, and Jet rolled his eyes. He climbed down into the shadows. We waited in absolute silence. And then the screaming started.

"I told him." I said triumphantly. 

 "What are you doing?! We've got to help him!" Rocky said, tensely, starting for the door.

 "No! What if he's possessed?" 

 "What if he's not?" Alen countered, and right then I really hated his stupid unbelieving mouth. "But what if he is?" 

 "Guys! This is absolute baloney!" Mallark butted in. 

 I turned to Mallark. "Baloney?" 

 "What? Who cares about what words I use as of now?" 

 "Um, I do." 



 "Saryl, don't be stupid." Seica said. 

 I pursed my lips, "Fine. Then I volunteer Alen to go down there, since he doesn't believe in ghosts."

Melissa pushed her way over to me and grabbed my arm, "Do you want him to die?" She muttered lowly in my ear. 

 "Maybe." I paused, "Ok no. I don't want anybody to die. But-" 

 "I'm ok with going." Alen said. "Who said I wasn't?" 

 "Falso bravery." I whispered to Melissa. "The downfall of all cowards." 

 "Oh shut up."

Alen huffed and walked up to the door. "Honestly." He said, reaching for the doorknob, only for it to turn before he could even touch it. The door opened to reveal Jet, now holding a cat.

"It was just a stupid cat. See?"

"And the screaming?" Rocky said, puffing out a sigh of relief.

Jet grinned, "Did I scare you?"

"Oh my gosh." Mallark said, impersonating a girl voice, "It was all an act!"

"Nevermind that." Melissa said, "Why the heck did you bring it up here?"

"I don't know. It just came to me."

"Interesting." I mused, stalking over to Michelle, "It just came to him. I bet the cat is possessed and is trying to kill us through that way."

"Sure." She said, shrugging.

"What? It could be true."

"If you ask me you're a little bit too paranoid."

"Exactly." Jet said. The cat mewled and he dropped it. It landed on all fours, stretched and then began purring and twining itself between my legs.

"I don't trust you." I muttered to the cat as I bent to pet it. "But you're cute."

"Like Ashton!" Michelle said excitedly, referring to the fat but adorable British cat in her summer camp.

"Um Saryl, aren't you allergic to cats?" Seica pointed out, maintaining distance between herself and the cat.

"I am but like, who cares?"

"You're allergic to cats?" Rocky said.

"It's not serious. I just lose my voice." I rolled my eyes, thinking of how stupid all seven of my allergies were. Eggs, dust, cats, GRASS, oak trees, and certain weeds... The cat interrupted my thoughts by climbing into my arms. OK this was weird. Cats don't just climb into a totally random stranger's arms. "Why are you so friendly?" I murmured to the cat. "Are you used to humans?" I stood up, cradling the cat, and Michelle began stroking its head.

"Seriously. Can we just leave the cat?" Seica muttered.

"Why? You don't like cats?" I urged, shuffling towards her. "Huh? Huh?"

"Cut that out!"

I laughed. "Fine. But honestly I don't get why you hate animals."

"I don't hate animals. I just don't like cats."

"Or dogs."

"Well you wouldn't if you'd been horribly scarred by one!"

"Just because that one dog bit-"

"We've been over this conversation a bunch of times. Let's not start again."

"Okie dokes."

"So lose the cat."


"So what's his name?" Mallark said.

"Who said it was a he?" I said.

"Jeez, it just came out." And then a sly grin came over his face, "Why don't we call it Coral then? You know, because Coral's so... catty."

"Oh my god Mallark." I laughed, "OK. But what if it's a guy?"

"What if it's not?"

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now