Chapter 17

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"Are you ******* insane?!"

"Language Alen." I said, emotionlessly.

"I don't care about language! You're talking about-"

"Heating up a blade, and pressing it to the wound in order to seal it. Yes."


"There is a high risk of infection."


"Usually it's better to leave the puncture object inside the wound. But this is a life and death matter... I could use one of these." I kneeled down and lifted up one of the fallen knives. "I need a fire." I murmured.

"I'm not going to let you do that!"

"He's going to die Alen!"

"Not if you kill him first!" Alen shouted, and I fell silent. Would that happen? Everything feels so surreal... like another one of my weird dreams. Could someone really die here? Right now... in front of my very own eyes?

"Can I do it?" Both Alen and I swiveled around in unison to stare at Michelle. She shrugged. "I know how to cauterize wounds. I read about it before."

"You're joking." Alen said. "You guys are actually- you're doing it? No way- I can't- Melissa you too?" He faced Melissa, eyes wide and disbelieving and Melissa gaped at him.

"I um I- I have no comment." She said.

"Amazing." I said, sarcasm so heavy everyone finally understood it for once. "Round of applause for Melissa and her comments." Melissa looked slightly hurt and Alen frowned at me in confusion. "Right." I said blinking. "Sorry. I get- uh - weird and all mean when I'm stressed."

"Besides that," Michelle said, "So I just use one of those knives right? But we need a fire first."

"Yeah..." I said. Was it just me, or was Michelle too eager? Michelle never liked Jet. And now she was the one who was going to save his life. The world in all its irony. I scoffed silently, and handed Michelle the knife. "So a fire... there might be something in the kitchen."

"You're not actually-"

"Seriously Alen, you can stop freaking out because I am doing this and you can't stop me." Michelle said. "Saryl, fire." She called out a little louder.

"I'm working on it." I was halfway to the kitchen, and suddenly I didn't want to go to the kitchen alone. "Just come with me too. There's no point hanging around Jet, he passed out again."

"Yeah okay." Michelle said, and Alen and Melissa were close behind her as they caught up to me. We entered the kitchen.

"Start by checking the drawers." I said, pulling open a drawer. Inside were spoons and forks, both plastic and silver. No matches in sight.

"None here." Melissa said, closing the drawer she was looking through.

"Nothing here either." Alen said, a little grudgingly.

"I got something." Michelle said triumphantly, and she held up the smallest matchbox I've probably ever seen. "This will work, right?"

"Totally. Nice." I reached up and took the matchbox from her. "Now we need to create a bigger fire from one of these matches. A candle, or a small pile of flammable things-"

"You're going to burn down this house! And us with it!" Alen screamed.

"Cool it Alen, I'm not an arsonist." I said. "We're going to fix Jet and I'm going to get us all out of here- alive."


I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now