Chapter 11

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"That makes the last room." I said, coming out of the empty room. "What's the point of having a random empty room?"
"I don't know maybe they just didn't need the room." Melissa said.
I stared at her, and shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah." Was Melissa possessed? Ugh this was so hard! Maybe I'm just being paranoid again and no one's possessed. A chill erupted inside of me, and I shivered. "It's cold."
Michelle glanced at me. "No?"
"Well you're still wearing your jacket." I said. I rubbed my arms.
"True." Seica said. I glanced at her and smiled. She smiled back. I wondered if I should tell her about my suspicions on Melissa. She'd probably laugh at me. I bit my lip, thinking, and then made up my mind. I'd wait till we met up with the guys again. Meanwhile, "Hey Melissa." I walked over to her side. "Do you remember if we had any homework?"
"What? What's wrong with you, why are you asking now?"
"Just answer it."
"We just have math, pages 45 to 52." She glanced at me like she was worried and I saw that same look in her eyes. "You're acting weird." She said. So that was it. Melissa wasn't possessed, she just thought there was something off about me. I probably stared at her the same way.
"Sorry." I shook my head. "It's just- I think someone here is possessed, by the ghost."
"What ghost Saryl? Really?" Michelle rolled her eyes at me.
"I'm not joking!" I said.
"Saryl could be right." Seica said, her mouth curved up in a creepy way, and we all turned towards her, surprised she agreed with me. "I mean, who knows right?" She added, blinking quickly.
"...yeah." I said.
"Good! Now let's go back downstairs and see if the guys found Rocky."
"...right." I muttered, and we followed Seica down the stairs. I narrowed my eyes at her back. I'd thought she wasn't the one but the way she said that last line was just- wrong. Or, once again, I'm a pathetic human being that's overly cautious. Probably the latter. I let loose a huge sigh, and Seica turned around to glance at me. She flashed me a bright smile. I didn't even have the energy to return it. Suddenly Seica stopped. "Oh they're right there!" She pointed to Alen and Jet who paused in their walking and looked up at all four of us standing on the staircase.
"They came right to us." Jet said.
"More like you came right to us." Seica said, and my frown deepened. Seica NEVER talked to Jet unnecessarily because she knows it would only lower her IQ. (Or maybe that's just me).
"Uh... sure?" Jet said.
"Well technically you did." Seica said. "Technically." Her hand flicked something by her shoulder but there was nothing there. It vaguely reminded of something but once again my brain refused to work. I was annoyed, and the tickling sensation by my neck didn't help matters. I reached up and swiped my ponytail away and then it clicked. Seica was acting like she was about to flick her hair but there WAS no hair because Seica's hair was short (she had just cut it).
"Who are you?" Everyone turned to stare at me and I realized I said it out loud. Well, might as well continue. "You're not Seica."
"You're not even trying to hide it. Or well, if you were, you're not doing that good of a job." I said.
"Saeyl what the heck are you talking about?" Michelle said
"Really? You knew Seica way longer than me and even you don't realize any thing's wrong." I rolled my eyes. "It's so obvious now that I think about it. I can't believe I doubted my self."
"You're crazy." Michelle shook her head, and Melissa gave me a pitying look. I didn't even want to look at Alen the nonbeliever, so I looked at the cause of all this distrust and hatred: the spirit... who was inside Seica. Seica (well the spirit) smiled, and then she began giggling. It was bubbly and rather contagious, if I hadn't been so creeped out I might've joined in. But then the giggle turned slightly sinister and I looked away hurriedly when I saw Seicas eyes roll back into her head. My eyes stung at the sight and I felt myself gag slightly. They were so white and... veiny. Seica took a step forward, off the last step and onto the floor towards Alen and he stumbled back, horrified. He misstepped and fell backwards on his bottom. Jet stood frozen watching, as Seica then crumpled to the floor. A cold breeze surrounded the six of us, and a wispy haze of air left Seica's mouth and floated up into the air. An airy laugh rang in the air, fading away as the haze shot forward, towards the kitchen. I swallowed and then remembered. I'd been waiting for this moment. "I told you so."

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now