Chapter 18

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"We need to go upstairs, and tear off the bed sheets and pillow covers." I said, pointedly looking at Alen. "To start the fire."

Alen rolled his eyes at me, "Jet's all yours." He was sitting in the "tea room" (as we had dubbed it) with his feet propped up on the coffee table. Somehow we had managed to move Jet over to the room as well, as soon as we realized there was a fireplace. ("Oh, how convenient" as Michelle put it).

I glared at him, "I don't want Jet. You can keep him. Just shut up and let me do my thing."

"Riiight. Your thing." Alen drawled. I didn't know what was wrong with Alen, but ever since our argument he was being extremely annoying. Since when does Alen drawl anyway? Not like it affected Melissa at all, she seemed to enjoy Alen's new persona. Hmph. Whatever.

"So who's coming upstairs with me?" I muttered. "Michelle? You will? Why, thank you!" I said, in a false voice, whilst scowling at Alen. He wants the snarky, he gets the snarky.

"Actually, I'm going to the kitchen to sharpen the knives." Michelle said.

"What?" I said.

"Well, we're using the knives right?" Michelle said.

"Yeah, one. But not for actually uh" I coughed, "-cutting." I whispered.

"I know. Still."

"Umm... ok. Be careful...?" I said, as Michelle walked away. "Melissa?"

"No wait- I can't be alone!" Alen said.

"You have Jet." I said, smirking.

"He doesn't count." Alen said, "He's not even conscious."

"Okay, wow. I see how it is." I said, "Jet doesn't deserve your friendship."

"And he deserves yours?" Alen replied.

"Whatever, just watch Jet and make sure he doesn't wake up." I said, refusing to look at Alen and speaking to Melissa.

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Melissa said.

"Between the two of you, I'm sure you'll figure it out." I began walking away, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to wake up Seica and take her with me."

"And how are you going to do that?" Alen said.

"I'm smart Alen, I'll figure it out." I exited the room and strode in the direction of the staircase, peeking into the kitchen on my way as well. I only saw the back of Michelle and I shrugged and then got to thinking about how to wake up Seica. She was right where we had left her by the staircase. "Hey. Hey." I wriggled her shoulder but it only caused her to flip over when I accidently pushed too hard. "Oh, ouch. I'm sorry." She didn't reply. "Would you um, mind if I dumped a bucket of cold water on you?" Again, she didn't speak a single word. "I'll take that as a 'no I don't mind.'" Looks like I'm going back into the kitchen.

"Hey, Michelle?"

"Oh, Saryl! When are you going to get the fire started?"

"I need a bucket full of ice water to dump on Seica."


"I could've worded that better, right?"

"Are you trying to wake her up? Here, I might know where the pots and pans are from when we were looking for the matchbox." She opened a cabinet, shook her head, and then pulled open another with a little "Ah!"

"I take it you found them." I reached out and grasped the pot she handed to me. "Should I just fill it with the tap water? Does it even work?"

"I don't know. Let's see." Michelle twisted the tap and jumped back, just in time to avoid the cold water that came spurting out.

"Perfect." I held out the pot and tried my best to hold it steady even as it constantly grew heavier from the weight of the water. "Now to wake up Seica." I muttered, tottering out of the kitchen carefully, as Michelle turned off the tap and resumed her "work." All was going well and I was nearly as close as I needed to be to Seica when I tripped. Classic. The water flew out of the pot and, fortunately (maybe the gods were smiling down at me, or probably not since I'm in this situation anyway) splashed all over Seica. Everything was silent. "Fudge nuggets, it didn't-"

Seica started coughing.

Hey Author Girl here!!! So how'd you like Alen in this chapter? 😅 Anyway,

Hey Author Girl here!!! So how'd you like Alen in this chapter? 😅 Anyway,

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Here's a little character sheet for Alen. Ta da!

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now