Chapter 7

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"What? Where could they possibly be?!" I cried.

"Um, downstairs? Somewhere other than this room?" Seica said, raising her eyebrows at my explosion.

"Oh right." I calmed down, "So they weren't abducted by the ghost." I patted down my hair in an effort to reassure myself.

"What ghost? We didn't verify that there's actually a ghost here." Michelle said, and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't need your sass child. There is so obviously a ghost here and if you don't want to believe it, by all means go ahead. It's better for me because then I'll get yet another- wait for it- I told you so moment."

"Whatever. I don't even know why I'm here." Michelle said.


"Saryl, you know you're younger than everyone here right?" Seica said.

"Yeah... so?"

"So don't call people children." Michelle said.

"How many times have you told me this already? It still doesn't work." I turned back around and swung open the door only to reveal Jet.

"What's going on?" He said, eyebrows furrowed.


"Where's Rocky?" He peered over my shoulder, and I gladly stepped away from the doorway to show him that there was no Rocky only Michelle, Seica, and Melissa.

"We thought Rocky was with you." I said, "Yet you two weren't in the room and now um, you're here, but where's Rocky?"

"That's what I just said Saryl, get with the game."


He shook his head and stormed down the hallway. I heard the sound of a door opening and then Alen's confused voice.

"Why is he so freaked?" Melissa said.

"I don't know, maybe because Rocky's missing? Get with the game Melissa." I mocked, and then went myself to the previous room. The door was wide open but before entering I found my eyes straying to the room where I was to stay the night. The door to that room was closed... but didn't I leave it open? Argh! My head hurt.

"Go in!" Melissa said, coming up behind me.

"Right sorry." I tugged on my ponytail irritated, and then entered the room. This whole ghost thing was annoying... I should just stop being so paranoid. But then again, where's Rocky? I focused on the scene playing out in front of me instead of fretting. Alen was speaking in his usual loud voice, combined with Jet's even louder voice, while Mallark was back on his phone, occasionally glancing up. I sighed, did anyone even consider Rocky might just be in the bathroom?

"Hey, Rocky might just be in the bathroom." No one heard me but the girls, who were now all here too.

"True." Melissa said.

"That actually makes sense." Seica said, "Everyone's freaking out for no reason."

"Well, except for Mallark." Melissa said wryly, nodding at Mallark who proceeded to take a selfie.

"Is he seriously on snapchat?" I asked. "So dumb." I tsked, "Probably snapchatting Mercy."

"Or Mona." Melissa added. I glanced at Melissa and shrugged.

"Tell them to shut up Saryl." Seica said, nudging me. "They're too loud."

"Why me?"


"GUYS! BE QUIET!" I shouted and they effectively shut up. "Thank you. I have something to say."

"Then say it." Alen said.

"I was getting to that. Did anyone realize that Rocky might just be in the bathroom?" I rolled my eyes. "You guys are just freaki-"

"He's not in the bathroom." Jet said.

"Oh, and how do you know?"


"Okay! Sheesh. Just... wondering..." I frowned when I heard laughter erupt from behind me. "Shut up!" I said to Michelle, Melissa, and Seica. "Dummies. You all thought that too." Jet and Alen began talking again and I found myself growing agitated. "Did you check the whole house already? Maybe he's just hiding."

"Right. Hiding." Alen said. "Now why would Rocky do that?"

"Uh, because. Right Melissa?"

"What? Uh, I'm with Alen on that one. Why would Rocky hide?"

"Ugh Melissa! You were supposed to back me up!" I scoffed, "Traitor."

"So we just going to stand here or what?" Michelle checked her phone again, "I have better things to do and... ughhh my phone doesn't have any wifi."

"No wifi?" I peered at Michelle's phone, "Then how was Mallark on snapchat?"

"Snapchat? Who said I was on snapchat?" Mallark said, hearing his name.

"But... the selfies?"

"I don't need wifi for camera."

"Wooow." Michelle said.

"I'm going to delete them later anyway." He rolled his eyes.

"Riiiight. I'm- I'm going to actually look for Rocky now instead of just standing here and making small talk. Anyone with me?" I said.

"I'll come." Seica said.

"Yeah ok, let's go." I began walking without seeing if anyone was following, and as soon as I stepped out of the room I felt unsafe. Seica came up from behind me and I told myself to relax. We climbed down the stairs and ended back up in the living room. "Hello? Rocky? Heeelllooo?" I heard a thump and my heart jumped. "It came from the kitchen." I whispered.

I Survived A Horror Story *unedited version*Where stories live. Discover now