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 Trey let me up  I pushed his ass right on the bed and sat on him.

"Stop playing "he said laughing
"Say you sorry first" I told him
"NO"he yelled still laughing
"OK" I said to him while I grabbed his phone.
"What you doing"he asked
"Oh I'm finna go to yo Facebook and delete your pictures until you say you sorry.

When I tell you he got up so quick I fell on the floor , he wasn't even stun me he got his phone and put it in his pocket quick as fuck. I got up and pushed him and he laugh I looked at him I was getting mad lowkey. I punched his ass in the chest I knew it hurt a little because he froze for a minute, before I knew what happened he pushed me to the wall and we made eye contact he kissed me and I kissed back he was asking for a entrance but I pulled away because I got scared I'm still a virgin.

I walked out his room quick my panties where soaked. i went to grab me some more panties.

I went to the bathroom and handle my business, After i was done i went down stairs to find trey he was in the living room watching t.v. I went in sat next to him. it was weird we sat in silence for about 10 mins trey spoke up breaking the silence.
"I'm sorry for what happened back there " he said looking at me
"Its ok' I said to him
"No its not I got a girl I'm not suppose to be fee- he was about to say until his phone started ringing he looked at it and said he'll be right back.

I was sitting there thinking what he was about to say I knew he was gone say he had feelings for me, but why me i thought I sat there thinking trey came back breaking me out my thoughts he sat by me.I had my head down playing with my fingers. "Mya " he called
"Huh" I said with my head still down.
"Pick your head up"he said
"So I can look in your beautiful face "he said smiling
"You think I'm beautiful" I asked
"Yeah why wouldn't I" he asked
"Because I was never told I was beautiful or even cute so I just thought I was ugly people always use to say it when I was in middle school and my dad act like he doesn't care.he makes it no better when he got a girlfriend he just forgot about me. shit so fucked up if it wasn't for your mom I probably would be dead somewhere"I finished but I didn't notice I was crying until trey wiped my tears and pulled me into his arms .
"Don't cry you are beautiful and don't let no one tell you otherwise".

I just cried in his arms while he held me for about 10 or 15 minutes later I stopped crying and went to the bathroom to get myself together.


What mya just told me had me in shock but I wasn't at the same time. I knew she had a story and I'm feeling like its more to it but im just going to wait till she tell me , but I just can't believe people bullied her I mean I use to hear people talking about her hair ,shoes ,and clothes. But I never knew who she was until like 9th grade and I had a crush on her every since I just never said nothing , mya walked back in the room breaking me out of my thoughts .

We sat in watched t.v for a while and it got boring so I got on IG .
"Whats that "Mya asked
"You for real" I asked laughing
"Yeah and what's funny "she asked

I laughed for about 2 minutes cause it was that funny if y'all would've seen her face she looked confused asf.

"You get on my nerve little ugly ass " she said with a attitude
"My bad ma but this is IG "I told her
"What's IG "she asked looking confused
"Instagram Mann" I told her
"How you work it. Mann I need to get me a phone I been missing out "
"So you don't got no phone" I asked
"I had one but my dad got mad one day in threw that bitch clean out the window. N gave me a LI chirp chirp ."
"For real" I asked
"Yes nigga and why you always say for real like a bitch be lien "she said laughing
"Aweshit ain know you be using them type of words 'I said laughing
"Boy bye" she said laughing
"But come on let's go get u a phone."
"For real" she asked getting excited
"Yeah come on " I told said laughing

"But I don't have any money" she said to me with a pout

I looked at her and i licked my lips.
"I gottcha ma"
"You sure "
"You must think a young nigga don't got a check " I said seriously

She started laughing cause how serious i was I straight faced her .
"Did I say that " she said laughing
"No but yo ass probably was thinking it."
"No i wasn't I just asked was u sure"
"Yeah im sure "i said faking a attitude and rolling my eyes
"GGAAAAAYYYYYY !!" She said getting up i guess so she could put some better clothes on.
"Oh is that right" i said getting up

She ran up the stairs to her room and I ran behind her she fell and i picked her up and put her on my shoulder "PUT ME DOWN DUDE" She yelled
"Nahh" i said walking outside to the backyard
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING "she yelled
"Repeat what you said earlier "
"What I say " she said playing dumb
"Oh playing dumb are we' I said walking to the pool.
"Oh really" i said walking even closer
"I don't wanna her that now.

I was finna throw her in pool until she jumped off me and she ran in the house in locked the slid door , I walked up to the door trying to open it while mya on the other side laughing her ass off. "Mya stop playing" I said to her
"Ok "she said then walked off.

I smacked my lips then I remember I had my keys I walked around to the front door in opened the door I jogged up stair and mya was in her room changing I'm guessing so I just stood there so I could scared her.
She opened up the door in damn near pissed on herself I was crying laughing "YOU PLAY TO FUCKING MUCH "she yelled
"I'm sorry dang.

She just walked pass me in I followed still laughing a little we walked to the car in we got in I started the car up in we left.

Destiny in the MM


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