1- A New Start

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•Song: Far Away By Nickleback•

|Lily Collins as Scout|


"Are we there yet?" The voice of my adorable 5 year old daughter whines at me from the back seat of our beat-up, technically borrowed, ugly-as-sin Volkswagen bug.

I pull some more poisonous smoke into my lungs before blowing it out the window and flashing Char a smile. "Not yet love, almost though."

"I'm hungryyyyy and I need to pee." I choked down a laugh against the end of my cigarette as she whined, knowing it would only make her upset. Most people would find her whining annoying, but honestly just the way her nose wrinkled up and her flinty blue eyes narrowed and her bottom lip stuck out, she was completely adorable.

"Alright." I acquiesced, knowing and not caring that I'd pay for it later. "There's a gas station up here." I commented as I pulled off into the exit. We were only about two hours away from the little town, but I figured it was time for an early lunch anyways.

We'd left in a hurry. The family they shoved us at had finally left to go to an early brunch and left Char and I at home. It was nearly my nineteenth birthday and I didn't waste any time getting us out of the latest shithole the foster care system placed us in before they got back.

The little gas station we pulled up at was beat-up and dirty as they all were, and it was a tad creepy pulling into the empty parking even though it was just after eleven in the morning. I pulled the car up to the building and killed it, watching the lights flicker for a moment before heaving a sigh and climbing out.

Char was already out and looking around wide-eyed at the place. I heaved in the rest of my smoke before dropping the cig on the ground and stomping on it. "Alright girl, lets get you to the bathroom." I smiled at my little miracle as she latched onto my hand happily, looking postcard cute with her furry coat on that I'd bought her for her birthday.

The greasy man working the register eyed us from the counter and I glared back at him and tugged Char in front of me as I made my way to the bathroom. I hate gas stations. They're basically licensed creep hangouts.

I let her go first because it was a one person bathroom and I wanted to keep an eye on creepers over there. I stood guard outside until she was done before doing my business quickly. I didn't want to leave her out there too long.

The mirror was cracked but I could still make out my washed out hazel eyes, broad jaw-line and above shoulder-length black hair. My eyebrow piercing twinkled slightly in the light. With a sigh I splashed some cold water on my face and straightened out my leather jacket before leaving.

Char was over by the drinks when I came out, and I laughed as I saw her with her nose pressed against the glass practically drooling at the drinks inside.

"Can I get it?" She asked, pointing at the chocolate milk cartons. At my amused nod she squealed and I giggled as I helped her open the door and retrieve her precious drink. We weren't used to being able to get whatever we want, but I had more than enough money saved up. After that I grabbed a bean burrito for me, and Mac and cheese for the squirt. I also grabbed myself water, as I wasn't very thirsty for anything else.

We paid quickly and headed out, hopping back into the car and handing Char her food and buckling her in. When we were all settled I started the car and peeled out, not wanting to stay in the creepy place any longer.

Char finished her food in record time and was fast asleep not long after. I ate mine a little slower, wanting to savor it. A smile pulled at my face as I watched her sleep peacefully through the mirror. Poor girl, she never gets to be a normal kid. Well, I was going to do my best to change that and give us both the lives we deserved.

We made it into the little town of Lincoln city just after 2, and when Charlotte woke up and saw the ocean in the distance she screamed so loud I thought the windows would crack. I'd almost swerved off the road when I heard her, as I didn't know she'd woken up.

"Hey love, grab the paper with the address of the apartment on it."

She handed it to me and smiled a toothy grin. I blew a kiss back at her and grabbed it, laying it over the front of the steering wheel and tried to figure out where the apartment was at.

My years in different foster homes, never the same, had never allowed me to keep a steady job, so I'd had to resort to weird and even criminal jobs in order to earn the money I have for an apartment. I was by no means proud of this, but I did whatever I could go make Char happy. I'd started saving up my cash when I was 14 and I was about 3 months away from my 19th birthday now. I have quite a lot of money saved up now, more than enough to get us a decent apartment a little ways away from the beach.

Thankfully I didn't have to meet with the landlord since I already sent in a check a while back. The lease on the place was year-by-year which was a relief as it gave me time to find a job. I planned on going to the high school (slash grade school) right after that to get us enrolled before looking for work anyways.

The neighborhood I pulled into was quiet but nice. The buildings were modern and clean-looking. Our apartment was ground-level and I quickly found it as the woman over the phone had described it well.

We pulled up to the building and Char immediately climbed out and ran onto the pitifully small grass lawn. I shook my head but followed her. "This is ours?" She said, an awestruck look on her face. I nodded and she immediately ran up to me and latched onto my legs.

I laughed and ruffled her hair. "I'm glad you like it. Now come on, let's get our stuff inside."

She heaved out her suitcase and I grabbed my ripped duffel bag, slinging it over my shoulder before shutting the trunk and locking the car. Little gold letters stood out on the light blue door and we pushed it open together as we took our first steps into our new home.

The inside was fully furnished, and the carpet was a lilac purple to match every other wall. I didn't mind as I actually enjoyed the color purple, but I'd chosen this one specifically because I knew purple was Char's favorite color.

Her screams of happiness probably alerted the whole neighborhood and I somehow managed to hold in my laughter as she ran around the room. The furniture was nice as well and all-in-all I was happy with my choice. We chose our rooms; mine was at the far end of the apartment and had a double door, patio door entrance. It was moderately large, certainly 10x larger than some bedrooms I'd lived in. Hers was right next to mine and had pink walls and was obviously a little girls room.

My room was of course more my age.

The front and back walls were white, while the sides were of course, purple. But more of a deeper shade. A large queen-sized bed practically called my name but I had to get to the school if I wanted to speak to the principle about enrolling.

Charlotte and I both groaned when we climbed back in the car. I was so done with this vehicle for a while and apparently Charlotte was too. Hopefully this wouldn't take long.

|Well, hope this chapter did okay! I'm just finishing up my other book and wanted to start another one so I hope y'all enjoyed! Updates will be every day, but please don't bug me for them. I'll get them done, when I get them done. Thanks! Please vote/comment!|

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