33- Unchained

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"Ugh." I groaned as we exited December's stall, I had hay everywhere. Evelyn turned as she was latching the stall door and laughed at me. I stood sort of hunched over, trying to keep my arms as far from me as possible since they were the most covered in it. It itched so bad I thought I was going to go insane from the sensations. Luckily Evelyn took pity on me and waltzed over, her outfit was of course free of all hay particles. She brushed me off, pausing to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear, a soft smile filling her face. She cupped my cheeks in her hands and pressed our mouths together. I sighed and melted against her, ignoring the fact that I probably smelled like horse shit and grain. Evelyn didn't seem to care as her fingers wrapped in my hair, sliding the strands through her fingers as she moved down to grip my waist, pulling me snug against her.

I breathed a surprised gasp and she chuckled, nipping at my bottom lip in response. I could feel the heat building between us, slow and seductive. Fire built in my belly, and now I itched in a different way. She broke the kiss and before I could whine about it, had me swept up into her arms and was booking it towards a new door that we hadn't gotten to yet. Somehow she managed to open it and maneuver me inside, her grip never easing.

It was dark and smelled like leather and something musty.

I didn't have time to dwell on it as I was roughly set on a hard surface, she pushed herself in between my legs and then her lips were back on mine, pouring liquid fire into my mouth. Her fingers branded my skin as she slid them slowly up my thighs causing them to twitch on instinct. She released a low groan into my mouth when I wrapped my legs around her waist, pulling our hips together. The heat in my belly spread downward and I couldn't stop myself from rolling my hips against hers, desperate to relieve the ache. Evelyn's eyes were so bright a silver they gleamed back at me through the darkness, our breathing loud in the small space we created together. I blinked to clear the haze from my brain, but it did no good as Evelyn's hands were all over me, brushing my breasts with her fingers as her lips connected with my neck.

"Evelyn," I panted as her fingers trailed up my chest, the fire burned hotter, licking through my skin. "Take it off." I begged, arching my back. She stilled immediately, her fingers twitching on my skin. Her eyes were bright as she stared down at me. Her hair was wild, all waves that framed her face in no specific style, her full lips parted slowly. I knew she was waiting for me to confirm what I wanted.

"Take it off." I growled, grinding my hips against hers impatiently. A slow grin spread across her face.

"As you wish." She rasped out. I wiggled against her as she continued her merciless assault on my neck, slowly pushing my shirt up.

Much too slowly.

"Evelyn," I warned through my hazy eyes. She wasn't moving fast enough, the fire was already burning through my shirt. My complaints were swallowed by her mouth on mine, sweet and loving. When she pulled away, she slid my shirt over my head, and before I could blink she had ditched hers as well. She wrapped her arms around my back, tugging me to her.

I nearly passed out when our bare skin connected.

Every inch of her was pressed against me.

I had no control over my hips anymore and moved them mercilessly against her. Evelyn groaned, low and raspy, burying her head into my shoulder. I couldn't think of anything except her, the way we moved perfectly against one another, completely in tune. Her fingers dug into my sides, but it didn't hurt at all. Our chests were pressed together, her lips were trailing from my shoulder to my neck, up my jaw to my mouth. I gripped her hips, squeezing slightly before sliding up her back, down her shoulders to her arms as she unwound them from where they were wrapped around me. I gripped her wrists, sliding my fingers into her palms, turning them towards me.

She watched me carefully, a tender expression on her face.

I never broke eye-contact as I placed her hands on my chest. The fabric of my bra was an excruciating barrier, and I couldnt stop myself from arching further into her. Her mouth met mine as she kneaded my skin, my fingers tangled in her hair as my head tipped back, my eyes closing. It was a blissful sort of agony, an agony that I would glady succumb to for the rest of my life as long as I had to endure her skin on mine.

I jerked in suprise as she slid her hands under my bra suddenly, the contact forcing a low moan from my mouth. Her thumbs rolled over my nipples, I could feel them harden. My breathing escalated. "Evelyn," I moaned, squirming. She stilled, sliding her hands from underneath the fabric, and instead reaching around to undo the clasp. "Please," I begged as she paused, waiting for my response.

My bra hit the floor, and then it was gone. "Fuck." I dragged out a moan, sucking my bottom lip in my mouth. My body shuddered, like unmolded clay in her hands, begging for me to take shape. My mind was practically gone at the feeling of her skin on mine, for the first time no barrier seperated us. "I love you." I poured out over and over, only stopping when she covered covered my mouth with hers.

Where the other kisses we shared were heated and fast, this one was slow and sweet, like ice to the fire that burned through my blood. I was content with her, and that we didn't need to move forward just because she was touching me this way now. She never pressured me, and I knew she never would.

I was safe in her hands.


I couldn't stop my laughter as she flipped on the lights and I realized that we had occupied the tack room. Row after row of gleaming leather saddles and equipment that I couldn't even dream of knowing the name of shined back at me. The little spot we occupied was actually a counter that held various polishing supplies and rags. Evelyn ducked her head, raising her shoulders as a sheepish grin formed across her slightly swollen lips. "Welcome to the tack room." She said, waving her hand flippantly at the walls.

I moved closer, gently running my fingers across the leather. The saddle wasn't very big and looked almost feminine, with not much to keep it separated from the horse.

"That is a dressage saddle, which is what you will be using on December." I eyed it as she came to stand beside me. The make of the saddle was made to have it look uncomfortable, with the hard, disk-like flaps on the front that faced outwards. "Those," Evelyn indicated towards them, "Keep your legs in place, allowing them to stretch down the saddle." There were long flaps that came down, stopping just shy of the medal-things that held your feet in place. "The irons are what hold your feet in place." Evelyn echoed my thoughts.

There were many different styles and types of saddles, some were short, some long, and some very large and bulky looking with handle like things at the top. But they all had intricate designs carved into them, beautiful and flowing. Evelyn went through most of them with me, even though I knew I wasn't going to be able to remember them all later. "So what's dressage?" I asked as we finally returned to December's saddle.

Evelyn's eyes sparkled. "Why don't I show you?"

Hey all! How's it going? I'm excited to see what you thought about this update with all the heating up ;) I hope everyone is having a great January! And if you're in a cold place, I hope you're staying warm! Please vote/comment! I'm so grateful for all of you, I could not have made it this far in my story without the support you guys provide! Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day!

Enjoy this picture of me on my animal :)

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