20- Fading From Love

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•First Heartbreak by Tori Kelly•


Sweat soaked my skin as I stood over the body. Blood pooled under my feet and around the floor, so much of it. His face was turned towards me, eyes open and unseeing, skin pasty and lips blue.

I was screaming and screaming before my voice eventually fell silent. My vocal chords strained to make a sound but nothing came out.

He was dead, and it was my fault.

My fault.

My fault.

My fault.

I killed him, I finally snapped. But who was I to decide his fate? I was a murderer. And even though I wasn't really religious, I prayed to whoever was listening that they would understand.

I woke with a gasp, my breathing fast and skin sweaty. I couldn't breathe, I was too hot, too hot, too hot. I was going to burn alive. I rolled over and threw the covers off, falling out of the bed.

"Scout?" Evelyn's worried voice followed me all the way to the bathroom but I hardly heard it as I pushed open the shower door and fell in. The cold water was a blessing against my burning skin, and I leaned my head against the wall, fighting hot-cold flashes. My eyes fluttered shut and my chest heaved with sobs.

My clothes stuck to my skin and I couldn't breathe. "Oh baby." I hadn't heard the shower door open but a moment later her arms lifted me and cradled me against her chest.

I tried to protest, not wanting to get her clothes wet but she shushed me as she carried me to the bathtub and placed me in it. I gritted my jaw to keep my teeth from chattering as I watched her through slitted eyes.

"Wh-what a-are y-you d-d-doing?" I managed to chatter out. Her eyes met mine and I felt bad at the tiredness I saw in them but then they filled with love.

"I'm taking care of you." She said simply.

I didn't protest when her hands found the hem of the tank I wore and pulled it over my head. I didn't look away from her eyes and they never left mine either. I was slightly surprised when I didn't find myself self-conscious in front of her. I was wearing a sports bra, but I still attempted to cover myself.

"Can you stand?" She asked softly, throwing the soaked tank off to the side. I gripped the sides of the tub and lifted myself carefully, but my foot slipped. Her hands immediately gripped my waist and steadied me.

"Slowly." She cautioned, flexing her fingers slightly before releasing me. I managed to get to my feet and stood there shivering.

I almost jumped when her fingers suddenly appeared at the waist of my sleep shorts. My face burned but I held her gaze as she pulled them down and helped me step out of them. She tossed them over the side of the tub and turned towards the hot and cold knobs.

I gasped a little when cold water flooded my feet, but it quickly turned into a sigh as the water turned warmer. "Too hot?" I shook my head.

She turned again and grabbed a bottle and squirted a cream colored liquid into the water. A vanilla scent filled the air and immediately made me understand her a little better. Bubbles immediately erupted and filled the top of the water. She turned her back to me when the water rose high enough for me to be covered when I sank down into it.

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