30- Timeless

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When I woke up early the next morning, it was still dark out and I couldn't remember where I was. I jerked upright, my chest heaving, my fingers tangled in the sheets. I was borderline panicking, until I felt her hand on my back, soft and soothing. Her skin was warm against mine, her breath hot on my shoulder as she sat up. "Scout? Are you alright?"

Her voice knocked me out of my trance-like state. "Yes, I just forgot where I was." I admitted slowly, embarrassment coloring my cheeks. I could feel her lips on my skin, her tongue gliding across the soft curve of my shoulder. A low moan built in my throat, releasing when she bit down slightly on my shoulder. My heartbeat skyrocket in my chest. It had been so long I felt, that we had been physical.

I turned to face her, holding her deep grey eyes with my brown. "Morning." I mumbled. A soft smile lit up her face, before she leaned forward and pressed her mouth against mine. My eyelids fluttered shut as I leaned into her, opening my mouth for her. She shifted and laid me down on the bed, hovering over me. One hand clung to my hip, the other cupped the side of my face.

I gripped the front of her shirt in my hands, trying to pull her closer any way I could. Her lips traveled from mine, to my neck, the place where shoulder meets neck and she found her home there, sucking gently on the skin. "Evelyn." I gasped and shuttered, feeling my body come alive beneath her.

"Mmmm." She 'hmmed', still busy giving my neck attention.

My fingers popped the buttons open of the shirt she wore, and her back arched in response as she allowed me to slide the fabric off of her shoulders. She was only wearing a simple black bra, but I devoted myself to every bit of her perfect skin. My hands pressed flat against her toned stomach, feeling her muscles bunch and clench above me. It was mesmerizing, the way we moved together, responded to each other. I never grew tired of the effect she had on me, and the effect I had on her. Her fingers found the hem of my sleep shirt, and she pulled back to look into my eyes.

I bit my lip in slight hesitation, before nodding. I sat up and lifted my arms so she could slide the shirt over my head. The room was cold without her body heat above me, but that was soon forgotten when her mouth returned to mine hungrily. Our lips devoured one another, I tasted the mint in her mouth from her toothpaste.

Her fingers skimmed along the skin of my stomach, brushing the bandage that held my insides together. I jerked my hands back from her stomach in surprise, breaking from her lips with a gasp. "Wait." I panted, turning my head away. She stopped immediately, her own chest heaving. I could feel her eyes on me but she didn't push me, she simply waited in that patient way of hers.

"N-not like this. Not until I'm healed, or- or have seen a doctor or something. You don't want to see that." My cheeks burned with mortification. How could I have forgotten that I was still damaged?

She surprised me by climbing off of me suddenly, and my spirits sank knowing she finally saw what I saw in myself. I closed my eyes as tears burned the insides of my lids. I nearly had a heart attack when the softest of touches on the skin of my stomach started. She surrounded the wounded area with her mouth, before finally pressing her lips to the top of the bandage. They had glued it together, so thankfully it wasn't leaking, which would've been nasty to deal with. But it still looked awful. All red and swollen and hot. Yuck

My eyes met storm clouds and lighting and determination. "I love you." She growled, tightening her fingers in the comforter. "A scar won't change that. In fact, it'll only enhance it. Your body is beautiful and sacred to me in every way. I will not tolerate it, you talking bad about yourself and pushing me away in fear that you are unworthy when I tell you every day that you are not." Her eyes were shards of flint as she bore them into me. I could do nothing but nod and stare back in amazement.

"Y-you said you loved me." I whispered, still in awe. She never rushed me, this little make-our sessions were hot and heavy, yes, but there was no pressure. Just a complete understanding of one another.

A soft chuckle left her mouth as she settled back over me, placing a gentle kiss to my mouth. "Yes, I did. Now come, cel mic, we need to get you cleaned up. I groaned but found that I couldn't stop smiling as she pulled me out of bed.


"Better?" Evelyn smirked at me as we walked down her hallway about an hour later. I was still fingering the softness of her sweater as it fit against me, and feeling the twin braids that fell down my back. She had helped me shower, re-dress my wound, and dress. She found me a pair of her old pants and a loose sweater that smelled like her.

"Much." I replied, smiling back at her.

Her response was to grab my hand, lacing our fingers together as we walked. Anxiety knotted in my stomach as we neared what I assumed to be the kitchen, since there was a lingering smell of bacon and at least four voices reaching my ears. Evelyn gently pushed open the kitchen door, revealing a comfy but classy kitchen that was all soft blues and grays, matching the rest of the house.

My eyes found for sets of grey, all attached to the occupants of the room. I of course picked up Collin and Lucille and Larieli first, who hurried over to give me welcome hugs. I was instantly bombarded with questions. "How did you sleep?"

"Was the bed comfy?"

"Are you in pain?"

I shook off their questions with a low chuckle, waving my hands slightly to get them to stop their rambling. "Yes, yes I'm fine. The bed is lovely thank you. I slept great." Lucille sighed in apparent relief and nodded. "I'm glad you got a good nights sleep! Now get over here and get some food." Although I was attached to Evelyn, her mother had quite the grip. So we were drug forward like a little train as she hauled us over to the dining room table.

My mouth fell open. I didn't think that there was ever a time that I'd seen so much food in my life. There was everything to ham, eggs, turkey, beef, already put together omelettes, and various other foods. There was also an assortment of drinks, and my mouth watered as I caught sight of the apple juice toward the end of the table.

"Mommy!" I had a split second to spin and avoid crashing into the table as a blond bombshell hurtled herself at me. I laughed and wrapped my arms around Charlotte, who was grinning ear to ear. "You're awake! You slept a long time." Her big blue eyes were wide on my face. I kissed her nose, making her giggle. "Yes I did, I hope you've been good and haven't terrorized our new friends to horribly?" I raised a brow at her and her little shoulders came up as she smiled sheepishly.

Lucille laughed. "No no, she's been delightful. She's been keeping Carter company." A little boy who had Larieli's eyes and nose jerked his shaggy head up at the mention of his name. I waved and he grinned at me, a slight gap in his front teeth.

I looked around the room, taking in the comfort of the kitchen and the smells of the new place. I didn't usually do well in new places, or around new people, but for some reason I felt at home here. I felt.....free.

Charlotte and I wolfed down our breakfast, and before I knew it she was tugging me out the door. "Mommy you have to see the horses!" Evelyn trailed behind me, laughing silently as I sent apologetic looks over my shoulder at her family. They just waved me off, there own laughter echoing through the house. Charlotte dragged me outside, and my first breath of air was like being born again. I actually stopped and had to process what I was feeling.

"Beautiful, huh?" Evelyn said from beside me. I was once again shocked with a flashback. I remembered when I first saw her on the beach, after being hit in the face with a volleyball. She had the same look about her now, I realized. A look of home and happiness. Only this was different, because she wasn't somewhere she was afraid of being.

Hi everyone! How's it going? I hope you all had a wonderful day! Please vote/comment! As always I love your responses on my work. Thank you for reading! I appreciate you all so much. ❤️

Enjoy this pic of me and my old horse!

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