37- Renewed

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Fractures (ft. Nevve)

"You seem to be healing very nicely." The brunette doctor spoke, tenderly pressing around my abdomen. The incision was about an inch long, and slightly jagged, but no longer was red and puffy.

"You'll have to keep a bandage on it for another three weeks or so, and I'm going to keep you on the antibiotics, except just once a day instead of two." Shay's eyes bore through me. I nodded quickly, not able to keep eye-contact with the shorter woman for very long. She was very intimidating when she wanted to be.

"So there is no sign of infection?" Evelyn leaned forward as she spoke, her eyes narrowing on the incision.

Shay shook her head again. "No, Eve. Her incision is healing very well and should be completely closed in about a month or so. But until then we just need to make sure it's well taken care of." She looked at me next, allowing a small smile to form on her lips. "I've also seen improvements in your heart. It seems," she paused, eyeing us, "that the country life compliments you well."

Evelyn scoffed, causing the young doctor to chuckle. I was still confused as to how they knew each other. "Um so, are you two related or something?" Two sets of eyes widened back at me.

Evelyn offered me a sheepish smile.

"Yeah, we are."

I was still partly in shock when we got me all patched up and out of there. My head was spinning with so many questions.

I punched her in the arm when we got outside the hospital, to which she promptly recoiled at. "You're related to my doctor?!"

She rolled her eyes, rubbing her arm slightly, and bumped her hip with mine. "Distantly. We've never been particularly close. She's my first cousin." She laughed at my shocked expression, slinging an arm around my waist. I snuggled closer to her, the air was somewhat cool in downtown Seattle. We walked along the sidewalk, there were shops this way and that.

"Vrabie, Shay's mother lives in Seattle and she is currently one of the most distinguished brain surgeons in the country. Carrie has always been a bit of a wild one, she never stuck around very long. Even growing up with my mother, she was always running off. She wasn't in a very good place when she had Shay. The father abandoned her and the baby when Shay got sick," I was completely entranced with everything she was saying, eager to learn as much as I could about her. "Shay was diagnosed with a heart condition, she underwent many surgeries, but nothing helped."

It was pretty inspirational. The heart surgeon with a heart condition that turned her curse into a career. "Wow." I finally said after a long moment.

She smiled sadly at me. "Yes. My mother has kept in touch with Carrie some over the years, and it appears that she's back into another relationship with a college that used to work with Shay. I believe they're getting married soon. Shay is married to," Evelyn paused for a second, a strange look coming over her face.

"To?...." I encouraged.

Her face turned slightly pink. "Well, she's married to her English teacher from high school."

My mouth dropped open for a full minute before I burst into laughter, Evelyn following soon after. It was to comical. I was in love with my principle, while Evelyn's cousin married her teacher. "How did that work?"

Evelyn gave me a look. "Juliette resigned from teaching after an incident occurred between her and another student."

"Were they involved or something?"

She rubbed the back of her neck, hesitation and anger overcoming her features. "Well, not quite. The student was a boy in one of Juliette's classes, he and Shay were briefly involved. The end result was lies, a college party, and a date rape drug." I gasped, tears springing to my eyes.

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