27- Balance

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Twenty Seven

"I thought you said that they were dead." I mumbled, managing to tear my shocked gaze away from the doorway long enough to look at Evelyn. She wasn't moving, her muscles were locked tight as she stared back at them.


She turned finally, meeting my eyes with her own. My chest constricted when I read the pain and self-loathing in her eyes. The soft gray I'd become used to seeing was nearly gone, turned black with fear. I was frightened, having never seen her like this before.

"Ah," Evelyn's sister, who's name I just learned was Larieli, spoke as she stepped further into the room. "That's because she treated us as such for the better part of six years." My brows shot into my hairline as I raked my gaze over the group. It was eerie, each face had drastically different but also the same facial features. I concluded one thing though, they all shared the same jawline and the same piercing gray eyes. "Why would she do that?" I whispered, half turning and directing my question to Evelyn.

She didn't move for a long moment. "Because my actual parents really are dead." Out of the corner of my eye I saw the family flinch at her open hostility. I wondered what had put it there. Evelyn was not a hostile person. Sure she had a lot of walls you had to break through, but she was kind and loving. I didn't know what to make of this change in her.

Larieli noticed my expression and smiled sadly at me, shaking her head slightly. I knew she was telling me to let it go. But I couldn't do that. I had to figure out what Evelyn's behavior meant. It was kind of a big wake-up call. I realized then how little I knew about her.

"Well," Evelyn's mother spoke, seeking to break the tension I guessed. "My name is Lucille, but you may call me Luce, or Mama or whatever makes you the most comfortable." She grinned at me and I automatically grinned back. She was very pretty, and lively. I could practically see the happy vibes radiating off of her. The tall man standing next to her offered a smile as well. "And my name is Collin." He shot his wife a mock glare before covering half his face in a stage-whisper to me. "Luce here has been stealing my thunder for the past twenty years."

I laughed when she scoffed and smacked him on the arm before sauntering over to me. "Ignore that old bat, lets talk about where you'll be staying."

My brow furrowed in puzzlement. "What do you mean?" I assumed I'd be headed back home after this. Lucille must've seen this in my expression because a soft smile lifted her lips. "Honey, even after you're released from the hospital, you'll need to be monitored carefully. And I, for one know how hard it is to take care of a rambunctious child when you have stitches in your stomach." I felt the frown on my face deepen as I pondered her words. Beside me, Evelyn tensed even further.

This whole situation was so very strange.

"So, what exactly are you proposing?" I inquired quietly, searching their expressions carefully. Even though these people seemed bright and lively, something had happened to make Evelyn nervous around them. And that's not something I took lightly, so I was extremely wary of them.

"We want you to come stay with us. At least until you're well enough to get back on your feet."

My mouth dropped open in surprise. I'd half-heartedly guessed at what she was going to say, but still, hearing it first hand was a shock. "I can't accept that! I have a daughter and I'm sure you guys already have a full house and-" she cut me off with a stern shake of her head. "You might as well stop there, sister. Nothing you say is going to change my mind." She glanced at her husband and he nodded eagerly.

I gnawed on my bottom lip as I fought with my choices. My eyes drifted to Evelyn beside me. Her figure was still incredibly tensed up beside me, further knotting up the already tangled knot in my stomach. "What do you think?" I asked quietly.

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