6- Maybe I'm Just Lost

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•Tears Fall By Jacquie Lee•


"Ms. O'Brian, please explain to me what exactly I just saw." I tried not to tremble as her eyes landed on me and narrowed slightly. "I was um about to come and see you for detention and this kid rammed into me and said, "Watch where you're going, slut."

"And when I asked him what he said he started to say it again so I punched him." My voice had changed from being wobbly, to being strong and confident as I spoke. I didn't have anything to fear really. I mean, that asshole was asking for it.

Ms. Thornton's sharp gaze seemed to pierce right through me. "I see. And you just had to hit him for this remark? Why not just walk away?"

Annoyance bubbled in my throat. "He deserved it." I growled out.

Ms. Thornton stood and calmly walked over to the window, clasping her hands behind her back. "Perhaps he did. But that still does not excuse your behavior." She turned to face me, and I tried not to cower in my seat at the clear disappointment in her gaze.

Suddenly I wanted to cry. How stupid am I? I'm almost nineteen, I have a daughter, I'm paying for all my bills and everything, you'd think I'd be a little more mature and walk away from a fight.

I averted my gaze, blinking back tears and twisted my hands nervously in my lap. "Understood." I finally mumbled, not having the courage to look up yet.

I heard her let out a deep sigh, and the squeaking sound that followed a minute later told me she was sitting at her desk. "Perhaps this sudden change of direction in your life has been too much."

My gaze snapped to hers, and every hair on my body stood at attention. "If you're going to kick me out, just get it over with."

Her flinty eyes narrowed on mine slightly. "Why would you think I was kicking you out?" My brows furrowed and my mouth opened and closed as I searched for an answer.

"Um....because I got in a fight my second week of school?"

She raised a brow at me while a smirk played on her lips. I am so freaking confused right now. Is she really being semi-nice to me?

"Yes you did, and for that you have detention the rest of the week."

Ah, there it is.

I didn't bother pressing her on the issue, and I knew Charlotte didn't get out of class until 5. Her class ran more like a daycare. This pre-school to high school thing was weird.

"So, let me get this clear, you're not kicking me out?"

She sighed in exasperation and her mask slipped, letting a "are you stupid" look shine through. "No, I'm not kicking you out."

My face split into a grin and I winced unconsciously as the bruise from a couple days ago made itself known. Her lips narrowed into a straight line, letting me know she'd caught the wince.

"Does it still hurt?"

Her voice was the softest is ever heard it as she looked at me, her eyes probing my face. I shook my head slightly. "Not too bad."

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