36- Grave Digger

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Song inspiration: Kill Em' With Kindness (Acoustic) Selena Gomez

I woke the next morning to the feeling of fingertips ghosting along my spine. Evelyn's calloused fingertips spread a trail of fire across my skin. Her palm splayed across my back as I shifted, a shiver working its way through my muscles.

I didn't want to even think about what I looked like, hair messy from our shower, eyes all puffy and red from crying. But I found that when I met Evelyn's eyes, it didn't matter. Her soft fingers brushed the hair back from my face, her palm molding to my cheek perfectly.

"Good morning, draga inima." She murmured softly.

I couldn't help but stare at her, my gaze traveling from her soft lips to her strong cheekbones to her delicate shoulders and slender waist. She truly was perfect. Whatever did I do to deserve her?

My eyelids fluttered closed as her lips pressed against mine, ghosting. I grabbed her cheeks and kissed her back, hard. Ezekiel was heavy on my body and mind and I needed something real, something pure, to hold onto. I nearly moaned when her fingers gripped my hips and tugged me to her as she sat on my thighs. She kissed me without abandon. She was a storm and I was the cellar. She was breaking me apart piece by piece.

My fingers traveled into her hair and gripped the soft strands, brushing against the scarred tissue of the word sinner, that had been branded into her scalp. Her lips brushed my throat as I tilted my head to the side to give her better access. Her name fled my lips in a symphony of soft sighs and inhalation of breath. I just couldn't get enough of her.

Our chests barely touched, the small amount of friction leaving my body a twitching mess as I fought to control myself. I was so aroused it was almost painful. Her fingers splayed hotly against my skin, calloused but soft at the same time. I could feel my body instinctively molding into her hand.

"Evelyn." I murmured, blinking to dispel the haze from my brain as reality descended onto my world once again.

Her forehead touched mine, her warm breath fanning my face. "Can I ask you a question?" Her eyes narrowed intently on mine.

I plowed on before she could answer. "Do you think I should allow Ezekiel's parents to meet their granddaughter?"

A low sigh escaped her mouth as her fingertips traced my jaw. Her eyes were guarded as she looked back at me, a muscle in her jaw ticking. "As much as I would like to give you an answer, I don't have one for you, my love." Her palm molded to my cheek. My lips trembled as I fought back the frustration and anger that raged inside me like a dormant storm. I had to remember all the times that I was there, in that house, locked up in Ezekiel's room with him inside me while they were down stairs watching tv.

I remembered specifically when Mrs. Graham had walked in and found me struggling to put on my torn clothes. She seemed not to notice the blossoming purple bruise on my jaw or the blank dead look in my eyes as I walked straight past her. How she'd grabbed my arm and told me to be careful unless I wanted to get sent back through the system.

Screwing your foster brother was not allowed.

If only they could see that I wasn't screwing him back.

I shook my head, trying to dispel the awful memories. "They were right there. The whole fucking time. Evelyn, they knew what he was doing to me. They fucking knew. And they didn't care." Angry tears fell down my cheeks. I swiped at them.

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