34- Reveal

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"What do you need to keep in mind is, horses are not like any other animal you will ever come in contact with. They are extremely smart and are in tune to your every movement. You must be aware of every movement you make when you are around them. The key in your relationship with your horse, and much like any relationship, is communication." Evelyn's soft voice flowed together and seemed to put the children at ease. Many of them were in wheelchairs or had prosthetic limbs. The horses that they were going to use were tied to one side of the arena.

I jerked in surprise as December nibbled at my thigh, placing her huge head in my lap. I laughed and scratched behind her ears, knowing she liked that best. Evelyn caught my eye and winked.

"Now, who can tell me the two places you never want to be around a horse?" Evelyn clasped her hands in front of her, raising her eyebrows as she waited for a response. An adorable little girl with reddish-brown hair jerked her hand up. She had a prosthetic left leg, but was in a wheelchair which led me to believe that it was a new development. Evelyn's face lit with a smile. "Yes, Emmy?"

"The front and the back!" She clapped her hands excitedly, a self-assured smirk on her face.

Evelyn nodded, appraising the young girl. "Correct, very good." Evelyn moved on to talk about the parts of the horse and more about safety, and soon barn employees we're gathering and saddling up the horses. I sat on the fence the whole time, struggling to keep my eyes to eye-level but Evelyn's ass was just too perfect. She wore a pair of tan looking pants that stuck to her figure and a pair of knee-high rubber boots that showed off her legs. The black tee she wore only made it all the more perfect. I knew she caught me looking as she sauntered over to me, a knowing gleam in her sliver eyes. Her fingers gripped my thigh, burning into the skin beneath, searing through me.

I sucked in a breath, never failing to be amazed at the effect she had on me. When her other hand landed on my other thigh, I just about fell off the fence. "E-Evelyn," I half-whined, half-gasped.

She just arched one of those perfectly shaped brows at me, flexing her fingers on my thigh. "Yes, my love?"

I bit my lip to stifle the groan. "We're in public." I growled.

Her full lips parted, revealing perfect teeth, along with two indents at the corners of her mouth. She stole my breath away, god was she ever gorgeous. She shouldered past a pouting December, and leaned into me. The fence wasn't so high that I was quite a bit above her, we were basically the same height now. "If you didn't want me to touch you," she purred, running a single finger up my thigh in torturously slow caress. "Then why, were you looking at me with those eyes." I blinked, her hand moved up, up my stomach, trailing in between my breasts before reaching my chin. I held my breath the whole time, my knuckles turning white where they gripped the fence.

Her thumb brushed my bottom lip. "With your perfect lips parted, just waiting for me." She whispered into my neck. Thankfully December had moved over and her bulk mostly shielded us from view. I sucked in a deep breath, air whistled out of my nostrils, the sound of my heartbeat seemed so loud to my ears. My blood boiled underneath my skin, sweat rolled down my neck as I licked my lips. Her eyes followed the movement, and I was pleased to see her swallow, holding back her own desire.

"Evelyn!" A voice called, nearly scaring the shit out of us. I laughed nervously as I remembered where we were. Evelyn hummed low in her throat as she pulled back, cupping my cheek in her hand. She placed a gentle kiss to my mouth, a kiss that despite her exotic words, conveyed love and sweetness.

"Soon." She promised, flashing those eyes at me. I blew out a breath and nodded. "I'll hold you to it." I spoke, my voice shaky. She grinned and patted my thigh.

"Come on, I think December here has waited long enough to be acquainted with her new rider." I hopped off the fence, wincing at the stiffness of the new pants she got me. They were skin-tight and high-wasted, similar to Evelyn's as the ran straight down to my ankles. They were also pitch black, blending well with December's color. The boots I wore were thick and rubbery, a bitch to get on, And also black. I had to admit, they made my legs look damn good. December walked beside me, her ears tipped forward, her eyes bright and lively.

Evelyn led us over to a small-ish block on the ground. "This is a mounting block," she indicated. "Bring December over here and situate her left side with the block." I did as I was told, planting the mare by the block.

"Good." She praised, causing my face to bloom with heat. "Okay, hand me the reins." I did so, and she pulled them over December's neck, resting them just in front of the saddle. "Never, ever, let go of the reins when you're getting on. Unless the horse spooks, then it's best to let them go." I nodded vigorously, listening to her every word with rapt attention. She placed her hand at the top of the sleek looking saddle, it was one of the dressage ones we picked out, after we pulled our clothes back on, of course. The bridle was also used specifically for dressage.

Before I could blink, Evelyn's had was gripping a handful of black mane, and her left foot was in the iron as her other one swung her up into the saddle. December wiggled side to side as she adjusted to Evelyn's weight. She calmed the mare with soothing words and a pat to the neck. She swiveled in the seat to look at me, were I stood slack-jawed against the fence. "You made that look so easy!" I said incredulously. She laughed, the sound warmed my heart.

"Years of practice, my love, years of practice." She winked.

December pawed at the ground, clearly eager to work, and with a cluck of the tongue, Evelyn had her moving forward at what she called a trot. The horse moved magnificently, her movements clear and fluid, surprising for a horse her age. She listened beautifully, doing everything Evelyn said without a hitch. Evelyn spoke to me about each thing she did, where she put her leg and why, where the "buttons" were on the horse. "You need to know how they move, feel it in your hips. Watch mine." Oh trust me, I am. I laughed to myself.

It was amazing, and I couldn't wait to experience it with December. I had no idea that the horse and ride could come together like that. If Evelyn shifted her foot the slightest, December flicked back an ear, asking what she wanted. Or if Evelyn flexed her hands on the reins, December's tail hitched up. Every little movement in the rider was some sort of cue to the horse. It was absolutely mesmerizing. When Evelyn was finished, both horse and rider were sweaty, December's black coat was drenched. She came to stand in front of me, kicking her feet out of the irons before she lifted her leg over and slid down the saddle much gracefully than I'd ever be able to.

"That was amazing!" I exclaimed, moving forward. Evelyn grinned at me, patting the mare on the neck. "She is quite the horse." I shook my head. "No, you're amazing Evelyn. I learned so much today."

Evelyn chuckled. "December has done very well and I think she deserves a nice cool-down and some treats. We can get her out tomorrow and you can ride if you like." I nodded, grinning from ear to ear. We un-tacked December and let her roll in the arena when everyone had left, laughing as she got up and ran around, huffing and kicking her hind legs into the air. Then we put her away and she got the treats she deserved. Evelyn and I walked hand-in-hand towards the house, the smell of a freshly cooked dinner making my mouth water. We were met with Charlotte's laugher as Evelyn's father chased her around the house. It was the perfect end to a perfect day and I couldn't help but thank god for putting me in Evelyn's life.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I've been so bad about updating! My life has been crazy and I've had some personal issues I've been working through. I just want you all to know how much I appreciate you! I love each and every one of my readers! Thank you so much for all your support! I hope you enjoy this chapter ❤️ please vote/comment and have a great day😊

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