19- Breathing Out

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•Back From The Dead By Skylar Grey•


The morning sun shined warmly on my back as I woke from my sleep. Char shifted and nuzzled me. Her soft curls were splayed everywhere. I chuckled lightly and wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her to my chest. She giggled and squealed at me.

"Time to get up, sleepyhead." I ruffled her hair. A body shifted beside me and she propped herself up on an elbow, a gorgeous smile on her face.

"What time is it?" She asked groggily. I'd come home really late from my week-long stay in the hospital and we'd basically just dove into bed. We still haven't talked, Evelyn has been extremely busy with the school. I plan on talking with her today about it.

I'd had a severe panic attack, so the doctor just wanted to have me rest and monitor my levels just incase anything spiked up. I feel a lot better now, but I still have tons of questions that desperately need answers.

"It's almost 10." She yawned and ran a hand through her hair before returning her gaze to mine and blinking tiredly. She glanced at Charlotte, who'd fallen back asleep already, and then looked back at me. "She can sleep while we wake up." I smiled at my little girl and brushed her hair aside, enjoying how peaceful she was. The puppy was asleep at my feet.

Evelyn nodded and swung her legs off the other side of the bed and stood up, making my eyes nearly pop out of my head as she stretched. I got a glorious view of her ass in her lacy underwear as she swung her hips towards the bathroom. The shower started a little bit later and I so wished I could've followed her.

Shaking my head to dispel the inappropriate thoughts, I climbed out of bed and stretched before making my way to the kitchen to brew some coffee. It was chilly in the house and I wrapped my arms around myself. I was only in a pair of spandex and a button up, plaid shirt, but it was comfy so I liked it.

I was leaning over the counter and watching the waves when her arms wrapped around me from behind. Her hair was wet and dropped down my back, but I didn't really mind as her soft scent washed over me. "Come to town with me." She whispered into my neck, making me shiver.

I turned and flashed her a concerned look. "Would that really be the best decision? What if someone sees us?"

She raised a brow at me in surprise, probably wondering where this line of thinking was coming from. "What if someone sees us.." She echoed, her voice was hard as she was pulling away from me. I frowned and reached for her. "Wait I just meant...." She put up a hand. "It's fine love, I understand."

My frown deepened at her suddenly brisk attitude. "Why are you shutting me out? What did I do?"

She sighed. "Scout all I'm trying to do is be here for you. I've been here for you since the very first moment. I've taken you in, held you when you cried, and all I really want from you is your trust." Her eyes were full of pain when she looked at me, making my heart clench.

"But I do trust you!"

She shook her head. "No, no you don't. I see it in your eyes. I see it in your movements. Just now when you said "what if someone sees us" you were thinking about a student and a principle. Not two people in love, not trust. You were worried that we'd get caught, and I can't blame you for that. It's a good thing to be worried about, I am your principle, but I am also a 24 year old woman Scout. I'm not in high school, I don't do secrets. I won't be your secret."

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