4- Confusing Much?

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•Demons By Imagine Dragons•


I stopped dead at the unmistakeable accented voice that I'd only heard once but knew I wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon. I turned slowly, keeping my eyes trained on the ground so she wouldn't see the blush staining my cheeks.

They wandered to her feet and widened when seeing that they were bare. My jaw practically unhinged when I followed her feet to her coltish ankles, then strong and muscled legs. The shorts and loose sweater she was sporting hardly left little to the imagination. Her grey eyes were trained on me and swirled with some emotion I couldn't identify.

The puppy kicked her little legs in my arms and yipped. She finally tore her gave from mine and looked at it, her lips forming a small smile.

I held my breath as she came closer and rubbed the wiggling pup behind its ears. The scent of sandalwood and coconut filled the air, a different but pleasant scent. "I see you've found a new friend." She arched a brow at me and a blush stole across my cheeks.

"She's yours?" I wanted to snack myself. Duh, she basically just said that!

Her lips twitched faintly and she nodded, turning her gaze from the pup to me. I froze under her stare, feeling my heart pump overdrive and sweat coat the back of my neck.

Her brows raised slightly as she looked at me. "Well, are you going to give me my dog back?"

My mouth flopped open for a moment before the puppy was suddenly out of my arms and cradled in hers. My eyebrows furrowed in annoyance but it was short-lived as I watched her interact with the little animal.

"I was um......sitting out here for a bit when your friend joined me." I glanced down at the ground and kicked a piece of seaweed around half-heartedly before I looked up again.

Previously, her expression had been hard and unapproachable, but as I made contact with her I witnessed it firsthand become truly scary.

She stepped forward and seized my chin in one movement, one hand, and tipped it to the side. My stomach erupted into butterflies at her soft skin on mine. It hurt, but I figured it was worth it.

She released me after a moment looked into my eyes seriously. "Who did that to you?" The words were barely audible as she spoke, but I could hear the slight raspy growl in them. Her eyes were as dark as a thundercloud and it warmed my heart to know she cared.

My cheeks deepened in color as I inclined my head towards the volleyball players. She followed my gaze with her flinty one and nodded.

I was almost scared for a moment as I observed her observing them. She looked so poised, as if she were a tiger preparing to take down a lone deer.

Or just the whole damn herd for the hell of it.

"Well, you should probably put some ice on that."

I pulled my gaze back to hers and blinked at her in surprise. The puppy yipped at me but she just walked away, leaving me hopelessly confused and longing for more.

More of what though?

• • •

"Charlotte! Come on! We're going to be late!" I yelled again from the kitchen as I furiously shoved my new school supplies in my new bag.

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