11- The Fall

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•Love Whiplash By Jamiee Dee•


"So how was your weekend?" Casey asks me as she walks with me towards lunch. Her arm brushes mine every now and then. I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and smile at her.

"It was good." I'm sure I'm given away with how red my cheeks are because she raised a brow at me and smirked. "Girl, anyone with that face didn't just have a "good" weekend."

I flushed an even deeper red and ran a hand through my hair as I tried to come up with something to tell her since I couldn't really tell her I'd spent most of my weekend with my principle.

"Char and I just went to the beach and it was nice." I offered, glancing at her.

She squinted her eyes at me and pursed her lips. "Mmm girl, my bullshit detector is screaming at me right now." I groaned and rolled my eyes, prompting a laugh out of her as she threw her arm over my shoulder.

"Yeah whatever, how was-" I turned to enter our class and my sentence automatically dropped as I caught a pair of grey eyes. She looked amazing in a businessy type suit with her long hair all flowing down her back, just begging me to run my fingers through it.

I had to bite my lip to hold in my laughter as her eyes narrowed on Casey's arm around me. Was she really jealous? It was silly. She had nothing to worry about anyways. Casey was as straight as you can get. "Relax." I mouthed at her and winked.

Her mouth parted slightly before a full-fledged smile lit up her face. "Wow." Casey muttered beside me. "I didn't even know she had smiling muscles." She "oomphed" out a laugh when I elbowed her.

"Be nice." I scolded, my eyes still fashioned on the brunette beauty. Casey gasped suddenly and pulled me into the practice room, cutting off my daydreaming.

"Hey!" I huffed out, but she ignored me and pinned me with a stare.

"Dude! You like Ms. Thornton?!"

I panicked for a split second before I managed to force myself to laugh and roll my eyes as if that was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever heard.

"What? No!"

Her eyes speared through me for a solid minute before she sighed and released her death grip on my arm. "Whew good, because as your friend I'd have to warn you that if you did, I would be obligated to smack some sense into you since pursuing your high school principle would be a stupid ass decision."

My eyes were as wide as saucers and I could only stare at her for a long moment before we burst into laughter. Tears streamed down my face and my sides cramped. I didn't even know what was so funny anymore.

One things for certain, it sure felt good to just laugh. "Oh god." I chuckled out, attempting to come down from my laughing fit. "I'd have to admit though, that'd be pretty hot."

I gasped and turned to face her, feeling my brows raise in surprise at her words. Casey was highly religious, but she never persecuted someone or judged them for who they were or who they liked. But she certainly didn't approve of same-sex partnerships. That's why it was so weird to hear her say that.

Naturally I would've never been friends with someone like her, not just because of the religious aspect but also because she was quite popular. I, was not. I was the freaky girl who has a kid and punched a guy in the hallway.

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