10- What Now?

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•Learning to Fall By Boys Like Girls•


"So um.......not to make you any more uncomfortable than you obviously already are, but why are you freaking out?" I asked Evelyn as she paced back and forth in front of the couch I currently occupied in what she called, "the den."

She paused and spun on her heel, raking her slender fingers through her unruly hair before she fixed me with a sharp look. She was so unhinged it took me a minute to register that this was still the cool, collected, scary woman I'd met a few weeks ago.

Now she was a mess. I honestly had no idea why she was being such a basket case. It's just a kiss right? And, she's technically not even my teacher.

"I'm not freaking out." I gave her a "you're full of shit" look and waited. She just groaned and finally walked over to me, plopping down onto the couch with a weary sigh.

"I'm your principal." She whispered, not meeting my gaze as she spoke at me while looking at the ceiling.

"Believe me, I am well acquainted with that fact." I spouted off. Her eyes narrowed slightly at me but I just shrugged. I was proud of the fact that I was finally becoming immune to her cool attitude.

"It's not right! I'm an adult-" I moved to open my mouth but she shook her head at me and plowed on. "I know you're technically an adult but that still doesn't make this situation any better or moral. I am the boss of a school district. You're my student!"

My grin was a tad wicked as it crossed my lips. "And what, pray tell, is so wrong about that? You call the shots. It's not like anyone can tell you anything otherwise. Plus, you can be very scary when you wish to be." I looked pointedly at her.

She shot me an unamused look and frowned. "I can't date a student! Are you nuts?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, closing my eyes as I attempted to gain control of myself while I leaned away from her. "Evelyn." I said in a much raspier voice than I'd intended.

When I opened my eyes I nearly fell off the couch. Her face was right in front of mine, her hands came up and clamped onto my waist as she pulled me to her roughly. She wedged her knee in between my legs and parted them so she could lean against me more sturdily.

I licked my lips just before she slammed hers down onto them. Wild, red-hot, they seared through all my reason and I immediately melted in defeat against her.

My hands wrapped into her belt loops and pulled her tighter as my skin seemed to shift and crawl over my body and it suddenly seemed way too tight over my bones. My body was reacting to her touch and wanting more of it.

She released a growl into my mouth that made my bones rattle before she ripped away from me. "La dracu!" I jumped in surprise when she yelled what I was sure was a very inappropriate word into the room before continuing her pacing from earlier.

My mind was still a cloud of desire and fuzzy warmth, but my body was cold without her heat. My head swam as I tried to recover from her random and totally amazing assault.

"Um....well that was...."

"A mistake!" She snarled, her grey eyes flashing at me.

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