38- Death

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Believe By Imagine Dragons

"These people are some of the most well liked in this town." My social worker spoke, his head turning slightly, trying to catch my eye.

I didn't give in. I didn't want to believe him. I'd been through so much already, so much, yet so little. My life was images and pain but it came and went in snatches.

"Evelyn." I blinked and the world stood still.

The car had finally stopped in front of a large two story house, painted the light blue of a robin's egg. A cute little mint green Volkswagen Bug sat outside, next to a gleaming modern-looking Cadillac.

"Evelyn, did you hear me?" Eric's voice scratched at my ears, and finally after heaving a sigh, I turned to look at him. "You're kind of hard to ignore." I muttered.

Used to my antics, he wasn't upset at my attitude, instead put the car in park and shut it off, pausing for a moment to look at me.

"I know, I know this is going to be hard. I fought for three months to get you out of the Bronwyn's, and I assure you that you will never return to a place like that again."

I wanted to believe him, I really did. But I just couldn't.

An involuntary shiver went through my body as I fought to forget my last foster home, my eyes fluttering closed and my hands gripping the fabric seats of the car as hard as I could.

A featherlight touch on my hand had my eyes jerking open and my body flinching away. Shame burned my cheeks, I was working so hard to help my body realize that I was stronger than what those mongrels had done to me. I will rise above this.

Eric didn't move, he just let me sit here in my calculated silence. He knew from previous experience just how bad it could get if he tried to console me. It was best to just leave me be.

Finally I allowed my eyes to open, finally I turned and looked my social worker, my friend, in the eyes.

Finally I nodded my head. "Okay."


My eyes jerked open, a shudder bursting through my body as panic tightened my lungs and chased away the breath. But then the comforter shifted beside me, falling back just slightly. A sliver of copper-toned hair came into view.

Thats all it took for my breath to come rushing back in. I scooted closer, reaching my arms around the small body of my girl, pulling her to me. My breathing was still someone ragged, but Scout paid no attention to it as she burrowed into the safety of my arms.

Tears brandished my lashes, falling down my cheeks as I pressed my lips to her forehead, shaking slightly. The nightmare I had been knee deep in was unfortunately a very calculated and thought out memory. Yet just one look at this girl, and it was all gone. The weeks had passed quickly as life on the farm blossomed. Scout was progressing wonderfully with December, and even helped me coach lessons from time to time.

She would never understand how truly grateful I am for her presence in my life. Scout was hopelessly oblivious to the miracle that she is. I didn't think about the fact that my tears were dropping onto her face until a small hand palmed my cheek, brushing away the moisture. My eyes fluttered closed at the feeling of her skin on mine.

Saving Scout O'BrianWhere stories live. Discover now