5- She Knows

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•The Sun Will Rise By Kelly Clarkson•


So, she knows.

Surprisingly the knowledge of this didn't bother me particularly much as I went through the motions of a supposed "normal" school day for the next week. It didn't matter anyways. What could she do to me that hasn't already been done before? She didn't really look mad or anything anyways, she looked.....almost sad actually.

I avoided thinking about it for the rest of the day. First period I actually enjoyed, which was English with this really awesome teacher. She was funny and outrageously gorgeous. Second was computer science, I didn't exactly understand what that entailed, but it looked cool so I decided to try it out. And plus I needed a science grade.

Third period, was math, which I hated of course. It's not that I didn't understand the material, it's just that I had such a hard time figuring out what language the teacher was speaking when she taught us.

Fourth period, what I was in now, was probably one of my easier classes. Ever since I was a kid I've always loved fighting. And the fact that this school had a boxing class was even cooler.

"Alright!" The instructor clapped, gaining everyone's attention with that alone. She had short spiked black hair and emerald eyes. She was probably the shortest person in the room, standing only at my shoulder. I wasn't even considered tall, only about 5'7.

She turned towards me and I groaned out loud, preparing for another "please tell the class something interesting about yourself" but to my surprise she just shook her head and laughed.

"Relax, I'm not going to make you tell your whole life story or whatever. But I am going to make you demonstrate what you know about fighting techniques."

I relaxed immediately, relieved that I didn't have to do another monotone speech. I pulled at my borrowed t-shirt and shorts in nervousness. The instructor turned and waved at someone off to the side, and a girl with pretty red hair and blue eyes stepped out of the sea of students.

"Casey, you'll partner with her. Remember, keep it legal."

The girl she'd called "Casey" nodded and immediately rushed at me. I gasped in surprise and barely managed to knock her fist out of the way as it flew towards my face. She immediately recovered though and spun on her heel, connecting her fist with my side.

I gasped at the sudden whoosh of air as it left my lungs and fell to my knees, chest heaving. I saw a flash of blue from Casey's shirt and knew my face was about to earn another bruise, and spun out of the way just in time.

Her eyes widened in surprise when her fist punched air and spun again to face me. If I hadn't been the one getting attacked, it would've been amazing to watch. Where I was as clumsy as a bull in heels, Casey was a as graceful as a dancer. Her every movement spoke of a seasoned fighter.

I lost in the end, but the instructor said she was actually impressed with how I held my own for that long of a time. "Need a hand?" A voice fell down to my level as I panted and looked up at the ceiling after being dropped by my fifth opponent.

Casey held a hand out to me and I grabbed it gratefully and let her pull me to my feet. "Thanks." I nodded at her, wiping my hands on my legs. She smiled at me. "You did really good for someone who just joined. Have you fought before?"

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