14- Piece By Piece

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•For The First Time By Boyce Avenue•


It felt like I was hugging the softest and warmest pillow ever. My arms tightened around it and a soft raspy sigh breathed into my ear in response. My eyes shot open and I squinted as the morning sun hit my eyes over a curved shoulder.

My eyes widened as I fully took in the position I was in. My head was buried in the crook of her neck and my arms wrapped securely around her waist. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders and crushed me to her chest, every part of us that touched had my skin burning. Her legs tangled with mine, her lips nuzzled my ear.

It was pure, blissful agony.

I stiffened, immediately trying to extract myself from this awkward and completely unintentional position, but before I could her arms tightened around me. "Don't go." The raspy tone of her voice mixed with the chords of her accent sent my stomach into an overdrive of butterflies.

A smile crossed my face at her pleading and I settled back into the comfort of her arms. She sighed happily and kissed the side of my head. We laid there for a while longer, drifting in and out of sleep before the sounds of the hospital eventually woke us up.

"Ugh." I groaned, rolling over in her embrace until I looked up at the ceiling. She chuckled and leaned over to look at me, and my breath caught in chest. Her hair was illuminated by the sun, turning the ends golden. Her grey eyes were soft where they peered at me underneath a hooded gaze.

Her plump lips were curved into a supple smirk. I shivered slightly when she ran her fingers up my arm. "Did you sleep well?" She asked huskily.

I choked down my saliva and nodded as I stared up at her wide-eyed. Her hair tickled my face and I squeaked when she abruptly swung her leg over me to sit on my hips.

A burning heat spread from my chest all the way down to my core and my hands automatically found her waist to keep us steady. She brushed a stray piece of hair out of my eyes and smiled softly before she leaned down.

My heart leapt a mile in my chest and my eyes immediately fluttered closed when her soft lips came in contact with mine. Her hands framed my face as she deepened the kiss slightly. This one wasn't heated. This kiss was soft and sweet, this kiss pulled me back together and made me truly realize that I wasn't alone anymore.

This kiss made all the darkness flee from my heart and illuminated the organ with light instead. We were both panting when she finally pulled away and looked down at me. Her eyes sparkled at me.

"Frumoasa." The soft word lilted off her tongue and a smile formed on my face. "You've said that before, what does it mean?"

She flashed me a smile. "It means you're beautiful." My cheeks burned and suddenly I wanted to know everything she'd ever said and what it all meant.

"Oh." I responded lamely. She laughed lightly and climbed off me, leaving my body feeling buzzed and suddenly lighter. I rolled over and had to hold in my gasp as I was suddenly face to face with a muscled back. My eyes devoured her every curve and her spine as it moved. The black bra she wore complemented her tan skin. She turned to look at me as she pulled on her shirt and flashed me a warning look as my mouth dropped open.

"Careful, iubit, you're testing my ability to be patient." Her tone darkened, turning sensual wth promise. This time I did gasp and mock-glared at her for good measure. My lips curved down into a pout.

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